Inconsequential Crap

Dec 15, 2009 00:30

1. Elaborate on your default icon.

Dick in a Box was the BEST song i've seen JT sing in a LONG while.. why not with Kellan and his delish package just. for. me

2. What's your current relationship status?
my relationship with who? Kellan? or Fanfiction? Oooooh real people? .. *crickets*

3. Ever have a near-death experience?
no.. i'm lame and boring and safe. Apart from that one time.. at band camp... ;o)

4. Name an obvious quality you have
im a HELPER. I live to give.. and again.. i'm laaaaaaame.

5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now.
My ficwifey brtpcksuccubus and my song . *clears throat* I can get down ON mah knees. I can get down on my knees and I can say... Please

6. Name a celebrity you would marry
marry? why the hell would i want to MARRY one. Just wham bam and out the door ma'am dude.

7. Who will cut and paste this first?
hahah no one cuzz n7of9 and janee02 will have already done theirs

8. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
haha hell no

9. Do you wear a watch? What kind?
I did have a beautiful silver pockety type watch that hung on a chain I could wear, it was gorgeous but, the winder or something inside it died :(

10. Do you have anything pierced?
ears only 2, nose once when i was 17 for about 8 months then it annoyed me so I took it out

11. Do you have any tattoos?
x1 .. but its SO small i feel ashamed to call it a tat

12. Do you like pain?
haha no.. who really says OH FUCK YES to this?

13. Do you like to shop?
only when I have ridiculous amounts of money on hand otherwise no, i've become such a scrooge in my old age BWAHAHHA if you call 29 old

14. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
cash.. hmm.. my bus ride home from a friends?

15. What was the last thing you paid for with your credit/debit card?
ooh thank GOD i cancelled and cut them all up, so.. years ago, I bought 2 tics to see Coldplay in Melbourne. THey were AWESOME! now.. not so much

16. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
one of my best friends, the h00r

17. What is on your desktop background?
oddly enough, teh preteh lying on the ground at the piano.. Nicky has MADE me love him .. and of course scrolling pictures of Kellan.. and those are around 5 windows of small and big

18. What is the background on your cell phone?
would you believe i'm cell phone less since my last one drowned in the washing machine?

19. Do you like redheads?
Ginga Ninjas? Rangas? Red headed nuffies? .. no not really

20. Do you know any twins?
my younger sisters are twins.. little fuckers, always ganging up on me with "we shared a womb" well you know what? I lived there first and RUINED it for the rest of you.. well thats at least what my Mother dearest says

21. Do you have any weird relatives?
i am the weird relative - bwahha ME TOO NICKY!

22. What was the last movie you watched?
aaaaaaahm i watched Over the Hedge.. twice today.. and I wasnt even looking after any kids

23. What was the last book you read?
New Moon for the tenth time. And it wasn't as great as I had remembered *le sigh*

meme madness

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