Recipes - Crack Pie

May 10, 2010 12:02

So this lil blog I follow Table for Two (which have AWESOME recipes, BEAUTIFUL photography and they review cafes/restaurants around Sydney.. which isn't useful for me but one day might be)
They had this recipe for Crack Pie.

Crack Pie?

Sounded intriguing. So I made eet.

And OMG its sooo sweet, like a cross between a custard and caramel filling. And the biscuit base (that you make yourself) TASTES FANTASTIC!
Soo good in fact I think I'll probably add the oats and some cereal (I used Special K) and just MAKE cookies out of it.

Anyway.. The recipe is here
and these are the pics cuz I was bored enough to take them lol
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boo can cook

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