number three.

Jun 11, 2008 03:12

so, i think i'm finally starting to get the hand of this livejournal malarky. i mean, i've always known about it, i've just never thought to get one. i thought this time would be the right time to get one, as there's always something happening to write about.

i just read that the song 'laid' is popular at weddings. that's a bit odd like, considering its lyrics. good tune though.

i started university last september, which was weird, as i've always been adament i would never go, as it wasn't for me. but then we were told we should apply during the first few months of year thirteen, so i did. i only applied to universities in liverpool though, as i felt i wasn't quite ready to leave the city, but now i wish i had. liverpool is so boring to me now. during my first semester, i was seeing it through new eyes, as the majority of my block are from different regions (and countries!). and then, after new year, it was interesting to see what the council had in store for the capital of culture year (answer: bugger all). but now, nothing. nadda. zilch. my trip to america could not have come at a better time (even if i'm totally unprepared for it and terminal five is still messed up).

in other news, my keyboard is dying. four keys have already fell off (E, Y, U and I- the ones i use regularly) which i'm quite devastated about. they still work, it's just difficult and makes typing really slow (i type fast). i miss the I key the most; my e-mail address has three I's, and i tend to type it quite a lot.

i wish i could sleep. lately, i've become nocturnal, which isn't good at all, as it's started getting sunny. plus, there's sod all to do at 3am apart from listen to music and play mahjongg. the tv's there, there's just nothing good on now big brother's back on (which just so happens to be rubbish this year, no surprise there. i think 2002 and 2006 have been the best so far).

no doubt i'll be posting again sooner rather than later. there's a big rant i need to have, i just don't know how to put it into words yet. it's pretty pointless sticking it on here, since nobody ever reads my posts, but it'll do me good, and each post makes me feel better. i think it's better than a hand-written diary, as there's less chance of losing it, or letting it fall into the wrong hands (plus, the one person i actually want to write about doesn't have a livejournal account, and, to my knowledge, never comes on here, so i can write whatever's on my mind without being too stalkerish).
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