Jun 17, 2007 23:30
Ok, plenty of people, whose opinion in television I trust, have long since recommended the show 24 as a “sure thing”. Let me say up front that I'm not against popular television. To the contrary, I'm a devoted Lost junkie and don't even get me started quoting Arrested Development. That said, thanks to the recent Best Buy sale on Fox show box sets, I went ahead and picked up the first four seasons on blind faith that it would be worth the purchase.
Well... I'm about halfway through the season and to this point I'm just not really getting into it. At all. Thankfully, the first two actors who were really bugging the shit out of me were quickly dispatched by episode six or seven. Is the show trying it's hardest to throw curve balls and add intrigue around every corner? Most definitely, but I'm still not buying in. I'll definitely finish out season one before selling my unopened later seasons on eBay, but can anyone who is a fan tell me whether it improves? Did you find the first half of season one lacking, but really pull through later? I don't mean any insult to anyone who avidly follows after Jack's every step. Hey, we're all into different things, but I'm just curious whether I'm in for more of the same from here on out. I’m also thinking I should have given Buffy or Angel a chance instead. I am a browncoat, after all.