Title: Jackson, Season 1
Summary: Because I'm unimaginative, and because I love Jackson. A sort of character study.
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters/Pairings: Jackson Whittemore/Jackson Whittemore LBR
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG; swearing
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 355
Author's Notes: For the 30 days writing challenge. Prompt #19: "Nobody likes being alone that much. I don't go out of my way to make friends, that's all. It just leads to disappointment." (Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood) IDEK
The thing about Jackson Whittemore is that he's an asshole. He knows it very well, and you know what? He doesn't give one rat-assed fuck about it.
All that matters is being on top, being the best. Beacon Hills may be small, but Jackson's perfectly willing to be the biggest fish in a tiny pond. So he works out, plays lacrosse, and becomes captain of the team, all according to plan. He's good at swimming, good at schoolwork, and pretty fucking hot. He owns being Jackson Whittemore, and he doesn't need to hear any shit about him trying to impress his parents, adopted or otherwise. Bullshit. Jackson only wants to impress the fuck out of himself, that's all.
Then Scott McCall had to become a werewolf, had to mess up the status quo by cheating. Jackson doesn't care that Scott didn't ask for it; Scott just doesn't know how to own being a werewolf because he's miles away from being like Jackson. All those years training his brain and his body-Jackson may be a lot of things, but he likes earning the praise slash adoration slash envy-gone down the fucking drain because some dumb kid got bitten by a sociopathic werewolf.
Jackson can take pain. It's all about conquering yourself. He learned that while lifting weights doggedly, while forcing himself to do sums and essays, while biting back the apologies to his parents because he can't find it in himself to say that he loves them. If he has to burn bridges to get what he wants, he'll do it. No more Lydia; no more Danny, even. (It slightly bothers Jackson that he really has only one best friend, but everyone else gives in or gives a wide berth, so it doesn't matter too much.)
So he goes to Derek, who scares the shit out of him ever since that incident with the claws and the lockers. He demands for the bite, again and again, even after he sees that crazy showdown with the hunters and Derek's uncle.
Jackson being Jackson fucking Whittemore, he gets what he asks for, and he feels invincible.