I always thought cameraphones were a bit of a joke, probably coloured by my general uneasiness around phones, however I occasionally find myself very pleased that I have an image-capturing device in my pocket. Often when I am (a) drunk or (b) at work. Another advantage to the device is that the poor image quality can lead to some pretty psychedelic colours.
Pop quiz: What do teenagers like to see? If you answered "Little flags" - congratulations! You are probably a nazi.
Yaaaaaaay! Happy Party flag napkins. Thank you, Denmark.
Scary chicken is scary.
Just what I was looking for.
Also just what I was looking for.
This, I was not looking for.
*giggle* Ass... Irresistibly smooth...
Embla's pacifier is manufactured by Mind Wave inc.?!
Yeah, totally.
Don't they look like they are having an awkward romantic moment, waiting to see who is going to make the first move? Probably my favourite graffiti, ever.
"If you imagined you'd come here just for book-learnin' son, you're in for a loong week!"
There is nothing wrong with this, as such, but still - someone in Asia likes this more than cola!
French sugar packet. I don't even know where to begin. "Daddy, rock my sucre en poudre!"
Using this tool made me SUPER confident.
This is what life is made of, on several levels.
Is there anything more prompting of an existential crisis than boiling wieners?
These belong to either Sørine or Viggo. Neither kid has problems with acne, yet.