Bath of Thrones - Come On Baby Light My Wildfire....

Apr 29, 2013 21:16

Uhm, oh, yeah...spoilaahs...

SEVEN HELLS! BRIENNE AND JAIME!!!! Did you guys see this bath scene???
Okay Jon and Ygritte's bath was nice too, but I don't ship them half as much.

Jaime's confession - caught me by the throat, I remember being moved by it when I read the books, but this was...this was...OH MY. And the way Brienne was looking at him after - she had "I've been so wrong about this man" written all over her face. And then he FAINTS and SHE catches him! Gender reversal FOR THE FUCKING WIN!!!

Also, loved the Lannister family meeting. You laughed too soon at your brother Cersei: daddy also has big plans for you. (this said, I loved her suddenly exposed fragility and despair when she pleaded with her dad "not again". I felt genuinely sorry for her.)

Agh, I wish I had the time to write a proper review.

Butt count: 5.

Also Stannis' kid is sooooo cute.

Right, off to swoon.

my name is jaime, nekkid knights, game of thrones, the wedding planner, jon knows one thing, you bathe or you die, spontaneous human combustion

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