Taking a break from some mass icon making, I decided to prod a few summaries from the Supernatural section of the Pit. No one is safe.
Three for the Road by tigerfeet
When Sam and Dean work to stop an unknown entity from burning a small town alive they make an unexpected friend, and soon to be road mate in fellow hunter Abby Ryan. How will Dean react when she gets under his skin in every way imaginable. Dean/OC
I imagine he'd freak out and accuse her of being a shapeshifter.
Castiel and Dean by winchester1967
Castiel watches over Dean.
10 POINTS FOR YOUR ORIGINAL IDEA. It's not so much a summary as it is a fact.
Darkened Wings by Ghostina
In a world ruled by Lucifer, Rachel- a half angel and the devil's daughter (bwuh?), fights Heaven along with two more feared Generals- Dean and Sam Winchester. Heaven's best are Lucifer's darkest: demon!Dean, evil!Sam; Dean/Bela, Sam/Lylith, Alistair/OC/Cas
Okay, when I first started reading this summary, I thought, "okay, regular Mary-Sue. Probably marries Dean or Sam or something." And then I got to the last bit. Alistair/OC/Cas. The fuck? Are we talking about the same Alistair? I mean, I can see how - providing you were incredibly messed in the head - you'd write Alistair/Cas, but why throw yourself into that weirdass mixture? Also, Lilith's name has been incorrectly spelled, but that's really the least of my worries right now. Especially since this summary contradicts itself in multiple ways.
Just Trying to Hold it Together by courtneyun
Sams got a hangover. Deans trying to figure out what the problem is. Rated for a bit of cursing.
Might it be that he has a hangover? Just an idea.
Love is Not Something to be Taken Lightly by darkangelgrl22567
Dean and Sam Winchester meet Bobby's niece. Who they will learn a little something more about her and the world as they know it and themselves. Rated T for now but will change when part 2 is up. Chapter four of Part one is up.
Has this been run through Babelfish, by any chance?
CASTIEL: The Owner's Guide And Maintenance Manual by RoseOwl
CONGRATULATIONS! You are now the proud owner of a CASTIEL unit. In order to achieve full use of your unit the reading of this manual is essential. You don't want to be responsible for some poor fool being accidentally smited do you?