Feeling a little nostalgic, the nostalgia part only going about two years back, I wandered over to the Brokeback Mountain section of The Pit. I regret this decision with every fibre of my being. I really do.
I give you a Batman/Brokeback Mountain crossover...
Sweet Revenge: a BBMJoker Story (for srs)
It starts off with the Joker pulling up with his driver to "Signal Wyoming", where some stuff's gonna happen in revenge for the events in Brokeback mountain, which had nothing to do with the Joker.
“Why we stoppin here, boss?” He knew he shouldn’t ask questions but he couldn’t figure out what the hell they were doing in this hick town.
“For a little payback, my good man.”
Given the circumstances, I'd say that's a good question from the driver O_O And payback for what, exactly?
Now, Twist and Del Mar, them two was queers, and he didn’t need ‘that kind’ workin for him, spending their time stemming the rose, when they should be watching the sheep.
This is pretty much lifted from the book. Seriously.
“Who the hell is this?”
“Just someone who wants some payback for what you did. I hate people like you, who can’t see past their own noses. Can’t stand people who are different than themselves.”
“I don’t know what the hell yer talkin about, mister.”
“Remember what happened in ’63? You shouldn’t have done it, but you did it. Brought them down.”
“What are you? One of them queers?”
“Nah I’m just a freak,” he cackled maniacally.
And the Joker became a gay rights activist... when? Isn't this whole plot kind of counter-productive to the Joker's entire being?
The feeling's mutual.
i107./albums/m293/trekfan12/Heath as the Joker/joker-moviephotos.jpg
I... huh?!
“I dunno. Someone left it outside.” Jack poured his own coffee and joined Ennis at the table.
Erm... the last time I checked, Jack died.
“Holy shit!” He shot out of the chair.
If my chair suddenly took a violent dislike to me and threw me off itself out of nowhere, those are certainly the words I'd be using.
A letter was inside the book and it read, “I changed things for you boys. Thought I’d put a smile on your faces. I know I had fun.”
Erm... if you kill people AFTER certain events take place and not before, you're not changing events for anyone O_o I'm pretty sure that no matter how many people the Joker kills for them, Jack's not coming back to life. Badfic author? Your clock's going backwards.
Fortunately, I have just the treatment for the nauseating pain.
*headdesks repeatedly*
Mods, can I pretty please have a Brokeback Mountain tag?