I noticed there was a sad lack of Fire Emblem sporking here, so I traveled into the Pit of Voles and found the worst one I could force myself to skim over. And God, was it terrible. Sporking is in bold.
A strange twist of love and fate indeed. It screws majorly with canon at least twice. It's pretty tame for badfic, actually; next time I'll make sure I get a better (or would that be worse?) one.
ETA: I think I might need a new "Fire Emblem" tag...
Leila walks around in the hallways of the Dragon Gate, she stays hidden in the shadows making sure no one is around her. She hears distant whisperings and quietly walks off in the direction. In WHAT direction?
After she hears everything she gasp and says to herself, “I’ve gotta get to Lord Hector… perhaps I can reach him in time to-- What!” A tense change already. Not a good sign.
A man with red eyes and hair appears behind Leila, his gray cloak covering up his hands that had daggers in them. DAGGERS?! In an assassin's hands? NEVER!
Jaffar appears in front of her and looks at her. He stops as he sees her eyes, full of fear and sadness because apparently he was expecting her to be thrilled at the thought of dying, “What’s wrong with me… I can’t kill her…” Jaffar thinks.
Jaffar continues walking, he looks at her and thinks “She’s looks so… pretty… Wait, what did I justsay? Am I… feeling emotion?…” Because there are so many other things to feel besides EMOTION.
Leila looks at him confused but takes it and uses it, “Who are you? And why… did you spar my life?” He sparred with HER, not her life.
Jaffar turns to her, his eyes showing something Leila thought look like fear, he says , “That isn’t important.. You must leave, now… or else they’ll find out and try to kill you…” Because apparently he's forgotten he was going to kill her a few minutes ago.
Leila nods and says before walking off, “Thank you for letting me live… Angel of Death…” She smiles and runs off. What a climactic ending. Cue swelling, glorious end music, and Nino kicking you in the face for cheating on her.
The thing that really, really annoyed me was the whole "spar" instead of "spare." That and the fact the whole thing was in two huge paragraphs.
I hope you liked it!