I must admit, part of what makes this fic funny is the original character (!) shares her first and last name with a girl I *ahem* ...know. However, the author's lack of spacing between sentences and just overall badness makes it truly hilarious.
some choice quotes:
"I sigh.I have no one to talk to.Except for our pilot.I forgot to mention that I was in a plane."
"She looked at me still looking angry.But,in her earmeld green eyes she looked calm."
"On her feet were black shoes(I'm not gonna say they have black shoes no more.If you notice in South Park EVERY kid has black shoes)"
"Actually my mom works as a(I forgot the name but her mom works as a person who does hairstyles.)"
..and I only got through chapter three. There are 32 in all if you want to torture yourself.