I know I just posted, but I came across this horror of a Locke/Ben PWP, and again I ask you, why?
So this is set back when Jack and Co. had Henry/Ben hostage, and Jack decides to let him take a shower. Jack leads him to the bathroom. Apparently both of them are blind *and* deaf, as neither notices someone's clothes, the water running, or the steam that usually goes along with that. No. Comment.
Locke stood in the shower, barely a few steps from the still undressing Henry. Silently he rubbed a lotion on his skin.
That would be so much more erotic if Locke didn't look like this:
Just one time since Henry´s still unknown arrival in the bathroom had Locke been suspicious of another human´s presence.
This one time, in the bathroom at band camp....
So of course, Henry opens the shower curtain and he and Locke gaze into each other's eyes. Then Henry slips, and to keep him from falling and hurting himself, Locke grabs him and smushes their naked bodies together. Yes. Oh. Baby.
At first the sudden crushing embrace pressed the air out of Henry´s lungs and his breathing fastened - well, got faster than it already was.
Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your breathing, we're experiencing some turbulence in the bathroom....
Since one of his ears was pressed against Locke´s body, he were able to tell that the other man suffered from the same symptoms.
Side effects may include being naked and really old.....
This is my favorite quote by far:
Both seemed unsure on what was to happen next; as Henry suddenly felt an erection slowly buidlung up.
If you suffer from buidlung up erections, the best thing to do is to just. Walk. Away.
Feeling miserable and delighted at the same time confused Henry to the point of absolute awkwardness.
I feel exactly the same way, minus the awkwardness.
Acting intentionally and without much thinking he started to panic, fighting against his chains which were on the same times his safety belts.
Ooh look! A tragically failed metaphor!
"Wheter it was to apologize for or make is pain known, was alas unknown."
I don't... know.....
Then Henry "rampages" around somehow, and they end up lying on the floor.
But Locke´s reaction wasn´t quite the expected one : John couldn´t help but grin stupidly at the man on him going through agony and back."
Locke´s grin continued and widened nontheless, shrugging again, which caused Henry to sigh relishing eyes closed.
So then Henry gets mad at Locke for thinking something is funny, and they start fighting like preschoolers, saying, "Is not," and "Is too." Although nothing sexual besides the "buidlung erections" had been going on up to this point--
Henry emphasized his words by unintentionally thrusting himself into the unexpecting John.
That... is so how it happens in real life. Two guys start arguing while they're naked on a bathroom floor, and whoa! Penetration is spontaneously achieved. How big can Locke's butt theoretically be??
Sweating and breathing harder than ever Locke had been fully giving himself in already minutes ago, not hiding his pleasure as groans that turned louder at the seconds passing by left his throat.
Maybe I'm just too tired to work this one out.
Finally Locke came with a "Yeeesss !!", Henry shortly after with a "Noooo !!".
That's right, Henry. That's what happens when you accidentally stick your dong up someone's rear.
Although drained with exhaustion, Locke somehow found the strength to lift his head and nibble at Henry´s earlope
And then he and Locke giggle about it, and fall asleep on the bathroom floor.
Someone needs to continue this story, where Henry realizes he's pregnant, and Locke makes plans to sacrifice their buttchild to the Island. Pretty please?