Looking back a short year or so ago, when the Hetalia fandom was still virtually secluded to writers that had talent, one didn't have to rifle fruitlessly for decent fics. In fact, badfic was virtually nonexistent. But thanks to Tokyopop, we no longer have to suffer without fanfiction that beats us into literary submission with naught but its summary. Now we have everything ranging from self-insert to Mary Sues to Mary Sue self-inserts. So without further ado, the products of today's brilliant Hetalian authors:
Its a crazier school in a crazy world filled with the best of the craziest.Follow Gil and Ivan in their quest to salvage some of their sanity and hold on to it in a school where everyone's insane. Pure and undaulterated crack. Or at least, attempts at it
You mean, like, violent stabs in the dark at it? Isn't that a little... crazy?
An addition to MatthewKirklandWilliams and ciddlesandbits's Alfreds and Matthews letters to the world...Theyve started a trend! Write to and ask Prussia what you wish, hes here to answer his fan mail!
First question: Who ate all of the apostrophes? I'm looking at you, sir.
'Aniki, this is wrong' He wanted to say, but "Aahniki ..." was all that came out. Yong Soo didn't know how to handle this, especially because it was his brother doing it. The same doesn't apply to Yao though. YongSooXYao IvanXYao
Somehow, I can imagine vague!summary leading to badfic!buttsex.
It's been too long, he's been ignored for too long. All Canada wants is to escape but even that is denied him, but will he like what he comes back to?
So how does he come back if he was denied to leave, again?
After Francis Drags Alfred to a bar. They meet a British male who is being auctioned. Alfred decides then and there that this is the man of his dreams.
I don't know. About you, but I love misplaced. Punctuation. And British slaves.
Rome returns to earth. Rome/Germany. It's never been done before!
... except in canon...?