The Plot Bunny [Video/Voice]

Jun 05, 2010 11:11

[There's a scrambling noise, a clicking like claws on plastic. The feed kicks in, revealing nothing but gray fur at first. Then whiskers, then a big dark eye, then sharp slicing teeth, then, after a second, an entire rabbit looking into the camera. Its nose twitches thoughtfully. What a cute little ( Read more... )

comment: sebastian michaelis, comment: mello, comment: kinomoto touya, comment: ichabod crane, the plot bunny, comment: l lawliet, plot: once upon a time, comment: kaidou kio, comment: agatsuma soubi, comment: emmett honeycutt

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Comments 92

[Private, Audio Only] hunch_ofjustice June 5 2010, 15:24:32 UTC
[There is a very long pause while L tries to deal with the metaphysical implications of a talking rabbit. Just give him a sec, he'll be fine.]

First question. Are you responsible for our captivity?


[Private, Audio/Video] mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 16:17:30 UTC
[The Bunny's twitching nose comes close to the 'berry again.]

You can turn on the video, kid, it's not like I'm going to hurt you.

[He shakes his head]

Nope, not me. The boss is.


[Private, Audio/Video] hunch_ofjustice June 5 2010, 17:17:53 UTC
I'm not a child. [Nothing defensive about that statement, he's just stating a fact.] Our conversation can be held perfectly well like this.

[He's not taking orders from a talking bunny.]

Who is your superior?


[Private, Audio/Video] mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 18:30:42 UTC
Bet I'm older than you. Fine, have it your way.

[Murmurs something that sounds like it could be "freak."]

The Author.


[In Person] demon_andbutler June 5 2010, 15:29:15 UTC
[If he was surprised at your appearance moments ago, he's not showing it as he steps into the entrance hall and bows to the Plot Bunny.]

A pleasure to meet you, sir. Is there anything I can get for you?


[In Person] mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 16:20:11 UTC
[The Plot Bunny's ears twitch towards the sound before he looks at Sebastian, clearly surprised. He hadn't heard him approach which, being a rabbit, is odd in and of itself. He's startled by how close Sebastian is]

Jesus Christ! Don't do that!! You coulda given me a heart-attack!

[He considers Sebastian's offer, nose twitching]

Anything, huh? Got any cigs on you?


[In Person] demon_andbutler June 5 2010, 17:40:07 UTC
[He straightens and gives the bunny a winning smile.] My sincerest apologies. I did not mean to startle you.

[Although now he knows the rabbit can't sense his presence the way Sebastian can sense its presence. In fact, all he can tell is that it's an animal, with seemingly no powers at all. Other than the ability to speak. And smoke cigarettes.]

Unfortunately, I've not yet found any in this manor. As it seems you are linked to the master of the house, do you know where I could find some for you?


[In Person] mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 18:29:26 UTC
Just watch it next time, bub.

[He sighs]

She won't tell me. There might be some but I haven't been given any.


[Video] ginsengismyfave June 5 2010, 15:44:40 UTC
[For several moments Iroh says nothing, just strokes his beard and holds his silence, thinking. Finally...]

You say we are in a Story. Who is writing it? And, why do they need us?


[Video] mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 16:24:01 UTC
The Author's writing it, of course!

[In response to the second question]

I don't know if you noticed but you guys are a-lone here. Stories need characters, you know.


fetchdixon June 5 2010, 16:43:30 UTC
(he chuckles)

That's a pretty neat trick, it looks jus' like the rabbit is talkin'! How'd you do that?


mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 17:12:32 UTC
[If he had eyebrows, they'd be raised.]

I am talking.


fetchdixon June 5 2010, 20:31:36 UTC
(he just giggles pretty hard)

Do you do shows or somethin'?
That's so cute! I bet the kids love it.


mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 21:18:27 UTC
[He's waiting for you to calm down Emmett. Although he grumbles]

I hate kids. They brush my fur the wrong way.


passes_out June 5 2010, 19:20:35 UTC
[Ichabod sat up in his bed and blinked at the image on the screen. He seriously thought he was hallucinating while his mouth opened and closed for a few shot moments before he could find the words.]

Am I....are we...trapped in a realm where visions become reality?


mr_plot_bunny June 5 2010, 21:19:03 UTC
What? No. Not really. Not exactly.


Not your visions anyway.


passes_out June 5 2010, 21:21:25 UTC
[That was a relief to him and it showed as he exhaled.]

Thank goodness.


mr_plot_bunny June 6 2010, 00:37:25 UTC're welcome?


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