[Audio to Accidental Video] Merry Christmas, here's your sermon...

Dec 25, 2011 22:42

[Shane and Rick have gotten some Christmas Spirit and decided to include Daryl, so a quick audio transmission that is far from private is made.]

Hey Daryl, get your ass on over here, we're just crackin' this bottle of whiskey open.

[Shane believes he's shut off the device at his side as he sits it down, but has in fact left it on as he continues ( Read more... )

comment: varon de la costa, rick grimes, shane walsh

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[Video] organics_only December 27 2011, 03:52:57 UTC
[She normally wouldn't care too much that there were men being drunk asses...except that she had to listen to such a crude 'sermon' if it could even be called that. Really, her blouses may be low cut, but it wasn't like she was advertising anything.]

If you're going to be so crude, the least you could do is make sure that your phone is off.

[Her tone isn't too harsh though. There is no hope for any man to be a decent human being, why should she expect that from these two...though, she DID have hopes for Rick.]


[Video] stole_the_coop December 28 2011, 05:12:49 UTC
[Bad thing being Shane is drunk enough to not really care and so he just grins at the feed.]

Well hey there pretty lady.


organics_only December 28 2011, 05:25:01 UTC
[See this face? She is so very unimpressed at that remark.]

Drunk words from a man mean even less than they normally do.

If you feel the need to compliment a woman, you should have the decency to do so while sober.


stole_the_coop December 28 2011, 21:25:44 UTC
[Still too drink to realize that he is really sticking his foot in his mouth.]

I would've, 'cept I ain't had the decency to meet you sober yet.


organics_only December 28 2011, 22:01:29 UTC
Then save such comments for when you do...or save them for your wife.

[He was a fairly attractive man, it was a safe bet that he was married.]


stole_the_coop December 29 2011, 02:52:58 UTC
Not married, never been married. But, I can be sober. [Grins, nope sister, Rick is the one that got hitched, Shane stayed a bachelor so far.]

In about three hours.


organics_only December 29 2011, 03:32:33 UTC
Not that it matters, but tell me that when you're sober. [If he hadn't had someone with him, she would have offered to check in on him later...though Rick didn't seem to be in much better condition.]

I haven't seen you around here before.


stole_the_coop December 29 2011, 05:21:51 UTC
Then come talk to me in three hours and I will. We can see if it matters then.

[Rick being around is not much of a deterrent for Shane, besides by then he figured the other would be passed out and Shane could grab coffee and a shower, should shake the heavy drunk he had going.]

Ain't been here long, layin' low, seein' what it's all about. Name's Shane.


organics_only December 29 2011, 05:29:40 UTC
...Maybe I will. [Of course, it was just to prove him wrong. If he didn't have a hangover when she arrived, she was sure that he would change his mind once he got a look at more than just her face.]

Keeping us from our loved ones and tossing us into strange situations. That's all that it's really about.

Once you're sober I'm sure that it will be a pleasure, Shane. I'm Vivien.


stole_the_coop January 2 2012, 02:15:02 UTC
So I'll see you in about three hours?

[Shane might surprise her, considering he may seem like a rather immature man, but he is honestly not nearly as immature as that drunken sermon made him appear.]

Yeah, sounds about what I've seen so far, bad thing bein' it ain't as dangerous as back home.

I promise it will be a pleasure Vivien, lookin' forward to it.


organics_only January 2 2012, 02:40:40 UTC
Funny...Here I was thinking that safety was a good thing. I suppose everyone has their own preferences though. [And apparently, he enjoyed walking on the dangerous side...he was a rather interesting individual.]

I would certainly hope so. Pleasures here are few and far between.

[About to ask his room, she remembered that he wasn't but a few doors down from her. Turning the feed off without and warning, she rested as she waited to prove him wrong...if it had been longer than three hours, she would have just forgotten it. But she was more than intrigued by him and wanted to learn more about him.

Patiently waiting, she let a little over three hours pass (Purely for his benefit, of course) before she was making her way down and tapping on his door. Had he seemed like a violent drunk, she wouldn't have put herself in what could have been a dangerous situation for her and her babies...but he actually seemed rather calm.]


stole_the_coop January 2 2012, 03:26:50 UTC
I don't mind safety, I prefer a little action every now and again don't get me wrong, but I hate thinkin' I done left everyone behind with that mess while I'm sittin' here livin' the easy life [Shane did not like to be bored, safe could be boring but he always found ways to entertain himself. Interesting was one way of describing him, complicated was more like it. He was a conflicted man thrown into the world go to hell and forced to survive, it had changed many things inside of him.]

I give ya my word.

[Shane took the three hours to grab a quick nap, then shower, eat and get changed. By the time she arrived he was just tugging a tee-shirt on and drying off his hair. He heard the knock and grinned and walked over to the door pulling it open.]

Well hey there Pretty Lady.


organics_only January 2 2012, 21:33:03 UTC
[Leaning on the door frame, she didn't have to wait long until the door was pulled open, a familiar face appearing.

Grinning slightly, she couldn't help chuckling softly at the compliment. No matter who they were, every woman enjoyed getting compliments.]

Good to see that you didn't pass out in the shower~.

[To be honest, she had been expecting him to have either forgotten or to be asleep...]


stole_the_coop January 3 2012, 00:31:48 UTC
[Shane held the door open for her, still grinning.]

C'mon in, sure hope I don't get a husband or baby's father knockin' on my door for this later.

[It was said in a teasing tone, he frankly did not care, from their conversation over the communicator Shane liked her, wanted to get to know her better. He could not spend all his time here putzing around with Rick or Daryl after all.]


organics_only January 3 2012, 00:47:53 UTC
[She was in the same mind fame. Since arriving, she'd only really interacted with the doctor, the brat, and Rick. There had been a little minor interaction, but not enough to truly count.

After a quick glance, she stepped into the room, constantly wary of who she would encounter. After meeting someone like Hannibal Lector, you tended to be a bit more cautious.]

No. Thankfully, he's still at home...where he belongs.

[She hoped he never came here...someone needed to take care of their daughter.]

Thank you for inviting me, I'm afraid I haven't gotten out too much since arriving.

[She'd pretty much just locked herself in her room. There was no reason to leave it.]


stole_the_coop January 3 2012, 01:50:34 UTC
Forgive me for sayin' it, but good, I'd rather it was just me and you.

[He was no threat to her, Shane had his moments but he was not a man to harm a woman. Nor was he a man to make a move without reason and she posed no threat, it's not like she was a walker.]

Ya want somethin' to drink, I think I got some coffee, soda, somethin' around this place.


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