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Nov 08, 2011 11:36

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Comments 72

searchformysin November 9 2011, 09:34:08 UTC
[Oz had some very odd feelings of disasters, but it was never strong, nor was he sure that there were even any. Given his new form he figured this had something to do with it. So for now he had been wondering and just looking for anything that could be a disaster.]


atthemercyof November 9 2011, 21:04:53 UTC
[ Erik's not sure what kind of creature the animal he's witnessing is. But then again he's floating, hasn't quite seen what he looks like, doesn't feel like himself at all.

So he just drifts closer. ]


searchformysin November 10 2011, 14:03:32 UTC
[Stopping upon seeing something, the boy had to wonder just what exactly it was in front of him. To his head they looked like a ball with magnets attached to it, but given the situation he could think otherwise.]



atthemercyof November 10 2011, 14:17:26 UTC
[ Erik doesn't have a mouth. That's a bit alarming. But he just floats up and down for a moment in a bob of greeting. ]


psychic_labrat November 9 2011, 18:44:24 UTC
*Charles was supposed to be helping find people and make sure no one was stuck in their rooms, but by the second day he was starting to get lost in the sensation of playing with the very law of gravity. He was somersaulting in the air down the hall, teleporting every few feet and surrounding himself in a pink bubble and using that to bounce off the walls.

It's a very rare day when Charles gets to act like a child*


atthemercyof November 9 2011, 21:06:20 UTC
[ The grey Pokémon drifting closer comes with it a very unique sense, the kind of bemusement that can only come from one person. Because somehow they have a connection, it relays through him even now.

He wonders if Charles can hear him like this. ]

Having fun?


psychic_labrat November 10 2011, 05:56:46 UTC

... )


atthemercyof November 10 2011, 14:20:16 UTC
Carry on then.

[ Erik's end of the link bubbles with amusement even as he floats serenly down the corridor, still focusing on finding that generator. ]


finalarbiter November 11 2011, 22:07:50 UTC
[And here's Light, watching you float around. Honestly, he sort of wishes he could levitate as well, but unfortunately, he's stuck in the body of some leaf thing whose sole instinct is to go outside and photosynthesize. The thing that's preventing Light from doing so? He can't exactly reach the door handle. Though, after a few more moments of observation, he is glad that he has hands. Opposable thumbs would have been pleasant, but this is still better than having horseshoe magnets as arms. He waves with said hand.]


atthemercyof November 12 2011, 12:00:05 UTC
[ Erik dips a little closer. He can't actually wave, but it's there in his hover. Why? He's not a waving person, but his thoughts are curiously stuck on one loop. Generatorquietgenerator.

With a bit of curiosity, he comes closer. ]


if this isn't okay, let me know! finalarbiter November 12 2011, 22:16:39 UTC
[A small head-tilt, and a quick tail twitch later, and Light starts playing the game of trying to figure out who this person is. Apparently they're friendly, but unfortunately that doesn't say a lot. Now that Light can actually see the creature better, he realizes it doesn't have a mouth rendering this one-sided game tricky, but definitely not impossible. He walks up to the creature, with as much dignity he can muster in the body of a cute reptile thing--except unbeknownst to Light, he's accidentally used the Pokémon move "Swagger." Enjoy your attack raise, and confusion!]

Float up for yes, float down for no-- are you new here?


this is perfection. bear with me, I had to google atthemercyof November 13 2011, 11:38:53 UTC
[ It's - well, for some reason he's suddenly feeling a lot more defensive. It feels a lot more like himself, the sharp flair of danger, but the confusion clouding his mind is debilitating.

Perhaps if he could speak.

Metal Sound. Erik's not sure what he's done, but his partners sp. defence may have gone down. ]


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