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Nov 08, 2011 11:36

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psychic_labrat November 10 2011, 05:56:46 UTC

*Charles 'mew's in surprise at being caught, and his bubble turns a little bit more red as he rights himself in the air and turns to see Erik*

I, ah, didn't see you. *sheepish* Indeed, I am, actually. It's quite silly of me, I know.


atthemercyof November 10 2011, 14:20:16 UTC
Carry on then.

[ Erik's end of the link bubbles with amusement even as he floats serenly down the corridor, still focusing on finding that generator. ]


psychic_labrat November 10 2011, 20:38:26 UTC
*Charles flips over and drifts along after him, curiously.*

Do you know where it is?


atthemercyof November 11 2011, 17:21:01 UTC
[ He's surprised that Charles even caught the stray desire, but says very little about it, and even with his lack of facial expression, it's clear he doesn't mind. ] Somewhere below. I can feel it calling to me. It would be nice to rest there for a while.

[ A pause. ] That doesn't sound like me.


psychic_labrat November 13 2011, 20:40:34 UTC
*amusement* Because bouncing off the walls is a deeply hidden desire of mine. *tease*

Here, let me help.

*he swims over to Erik and settles on him, wrapping around him. There's a distortion of space and suddenly they're in the basement*


atthemercyof November 15 2011, 12:13:44 UTC
[ Whatever retort he's planning on is lost the minute they're in the basement, drifting over to the power source without conscius though and drinking it up.

A peculiar contentment seems to wash over him, but now that's done with, he can at least concentrate on something over than finding it. ]

You're a pink cat. [ A pause. ] What is going on?


psychic_labrat November 22 2011, 15:20:32 UTC
Very astute of you. *more amusement, followed by curiosity* I'm not sure myself, but as I gather it the residents have all woken up as these creatures. I've seen them once before, but as companion rather than this.

*he flips in a circle, holding his own feet, and Erik can feel a rush of joy from him*


atthemercyof November 22 2011, 15:28:50 UTC
[ If Erik could laugh, he would. Instead he just watches him from where he's hovering, feeding off the energy. ] What do I look like? I haven't found a mirror.


psychic_labrat November 22 2011, 15:37:53 UTC
You look very you, I must admit. *here, have a mental image*


atthemercyof November 22 2011, 15:39:37 UTC
[ He's --

A Magnet. Well, there are worse things to be. Dryly, or as dry as a thing soaking up electricity could be. ] Fitting.


psychic_labrat November 22 2011, 15:53:00 UTC
I think so. *another roll, and Charles teleports from one end of the room to the other, and he will deny this if brought up later, but that is the cutest giggle you have ever heard. Ever.*


atthemercyof November 22 2011, 16:26:11 UTC
[ ...

Erik's going to hold that particularly memory for as long as he lives, he's sure. ] You're rather different like this.


psychic_labrat November 22 2011, 16:40:49 UTC
I feel different. Buoyant. As if for the first time in my life I truly have no worries.

*he's going to teleport over you and settle on you again, Erik.*


atthemercyof November 22 2011, 20:12:49 UTC
[ He’s not sure how this looks, Charles’ pink body curled over his metal one. But he finds he doesn’t mind, is heartened by it in fact. The relaxation it brings is remarkable. ] Well, at least you’re enjoying yourself.


psychic_labrat November 22 2011, 20:16:00 UTC
*another chirp*

You don't look like you're having too bad a time yourself, my friend.


atthemercyof November 22 2011, 22:26:59 UTC
I think I'm supposed to be calm by nature in this form.


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