#002 // in person

Aug 31, 2011 10:11

[Even though by now several people had told Kanda the ship was likely going to sink, now that it was actually happening it was still a surprise. He generally didn't like boats, and being in one huge as this almost felt as if a continent was sinking. Unpleasant ( Read more... )

yu kanda, plot: titanic, comment: lenalee lee, comment: rokudo mukuro, comment: allen walker

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nec_metu September 5 2011, 17:53:24 UTC
[Lenalee had been running all over the ship, helping people where she could but primarily searching for her comrades. The sinking ship held little danger for her, unless she became trapped inside once it was completely submerged. Otherwise she could kick her way through anything in her path, and comfortably hover above the water for a time once she was out. While she knew that Allen and Kanda were more sturdy than most, she still refused to leave the boat without knowing for certain that they were both safe. Pride or not, she could carry at least one of them if necessary, though both at once would be pushing it.]

[Except when she finally finds Kanda... he seems to be wearing an inflatable duck. So perhaps his pride won't be much trouble after all.]

Kanda, you have to get on a lifeboat! I can carry you out to one that's already left if they won't let you on, they aren't all full.

[And... well, she has to ask.]

Why are you wearing that?


infiniillusion September 5 2011, 19:59:29 UTC
[Talk about saving grace descending from the sky, except not. He scowls and takes a step back. Being carried by Lenalee is embarrassing enough, but the lifeboats? No. He might have considered it otherwise.]


I'm not getting into one of those.

[They're for ladies and wimps goddammit, he's quite sure there are still some around in this chaos. And he's neither. Plus stubborn.]

[The question does catch him offguard enough to answer it without consulting logic, though, and so he does, scowling to the side with a bit of embarrassment and grumbling under his breath;]

I can't swim.


nec_metu September 11 2011, 16:59:02 UTC
[Lenalee stares at him, aghast.]

Why not? Everyone has to!

[And he is going to whether he wants to or not, but she is a bit curious as to why Kanda would refuse in the first place.]

[The seconds admission surprises her, though. Lenalee tries not to let an amused smile show.]

The water here is freezing, that won't help you much. We need to get to the lifeboats.

[She makes a grab for his hand, tugging insistently.]


infiniillusion September 11 2011, 18:29:28 UTC
There's not enough of them for everyone. Save place for someone more delicate.

[Almost sneering a bit as he says this. And no, he does not find anything amusing in it and scoffs more at the way Lenalee's lips press together as if trying to stop a smile. But he doesn't comment on it.]

Tch. I don't mind cold as long as I'm not sinking.

[Urrrrg very reluctantly making a couple of steps to follow with the tugging and then stopping again. Um, no.]


nec_metu October 15 2011, 18:25:37 UTC
It doesn't matter if there's enough room or not if they're sending boats off that are only half full! Not many people will be able to reach those anyway, there's no harm in you taking up unused space.

[She glares at Kanda when he stops again, tempted to kick his legs out from under him and carry him to the lifeboat without bothering to secure his agreement. But she will make one more bid to convince him verbally.

Kanda, come on. There's no harm in it, you're only wasting time. I need to find Allen too.


infiniillusion October 24 2011, 10:06:15 UTC
[Kanda twitches more, because now it appears the best he can do in this situation is take up space like some -- fuck no. He doesn't like the idea in the slightest.]

[Avert topic, then.]

Brat will be fine. Once he's done messiah-ing around, that is.


nec_metu October 28 2011, 01:34:21 UTC
[This is clearly going nowhere. Well Kanda, you had your chance. It is no one's fault but your own that Lenalee is forced to knee you in the gut. Now please fall over so she can carry you away while muttering angrily.]

Always disagreeable!


^ OHMIGAWD THIS TAG IS SUCH PERFECTION. <333 infiniillusion October 28 2011, 17:40:43 UTC
[ o u c h . ]

[He doesn't quite fall, but does hunch over on wobbly feet for a moment, and obviously that is enough for Lenalee to grab him, still in a daze. Why, Lenalee, your kicks have always been something special.]

[He doesn't have any breath to argue either as it's just been so effectively knocked out of him, and just accepts his fate bitterly but without question for it is inevitable just like Lenalee's iron fist. Boot. Knee. Whatever. Damn it.]


/BELATEDLY BOWS nec_metu November 15 2011, 04:11:13 UTC
[Lenalee takes the chance and grabs him. Kanda is quite heavy, and larger than she is, making it difficult to get a good hold on him while still being able to run. But she manages to make due with a half-embrace, making a beeline for the side of the ship. It's already sinking; one more hole toward the top won't hurt.]


<3 infiniillusion November 17 2011, 18:54:22 UTC
[Now that he thinks about it, this is kind of pathetic.]


[He knows better than to start resisting, though.]


nec_metu November 17 2011, 23:58:54 UTC
[It's probably a good thing that Kanda isn't talking. Makes it easier for Lenalee to ignore how awkward this is and focus on getting him out. She considers warning Kanda before kicking out a wall of the ship-- but she is still quite annoyed with him. He can handle a jolt. So Lenalee drops him unceremoniously on the floor before kicking out a panel big enough for them to both get through.]

Are you going to cooperate now?

[He will be harder to catch by surprise if she gives him the chance to pick himself up, but Lenalee hopes that she has gotten her point across well enough that another kick won't be necessary. The fleeing lifeboats are in view now, time is at least less of the essence.]


infiniillusion November 20 2011, 16:09:58 UTC
[Kanda quickly gets up, looking very displeased. This whole being manhandled by Lenalee thing made the plug pop out of his rubber duck, which has now lost its air and therefore usefulness, and now he sort of doesn't have a choice. He still folds arms and grumps up, though, just like a stubborn kid in front of a plate with cabbage.]

Do I have to?


nec_metu November 30 2011, 00:29:12 UTC
[Lenalee gives Kanda a look.]

Yes. You do.

[She holds out one hand expectantly.]


/keywords infiniillusion December 1 2011, 14:09:03 UTC
[Oh, great. He knows what that look means. Basically it's 'stop being stupid or it will be worse' plus Lenalee vibes. Scary.]

[He sighs, a bit frustratedly, and... takes her hand. That's what she expected him to do, right? He's not giving up the duck, it only needs to be reinflated to be good to use again.]


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