{6th Deathray} Uh...this wasn't in the brochure. [Video]

Mar 30, 2011 13:41

[Megamind looks a bit confused as he addresses the camera.]

Whatever is going on here, it isn't my fault. Honest! Generally I would have done something like this you know with the temporal displacements and algorithmic geometric anomalies but this...this isn't my fault! I have to admit though that whoever did it is certainly a genius!

[He picks up a sheet of paper and clears his throat.]

Okay, so far, there's been a number of temporal discrepancies going around and I highly suggest not going through any strange doorways. They seem to be some sort of wormhole or rather split dimensions shifts. But then that would mean that any way that isn't a door but rather a frame could also be part of this rift.

Still, I think going in groups or in pairs at least should keep people safe for the most part. I'm just glad that there's no monsters running around. That would certainly be an issue considering that even if there were, just a crack in the door and they spill out. Talk about disgusting.

I thought about what can be done to at least slow it down but the problem I have is the lack of materials. Does anyone have a plasma coil generator I can borrow?

plot: good drugs, megamind, comment: malone

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