{2nd Jingle} Now showing...

Mar 29, 2011 17:32

[After spending a day with gravity reversed, it was a bit of a relief to Malone that he was on the floor again...even if he suddenly couldn't find his way to anywhere he was trying to go. Sure, he was new to the place, but he was usually better than this about remembering where things were. He thinks he'd finally found his way to the kitchen...]

Oh, come on! This was the dining room just yesterday!

[...but he's wrong. The door leads into the back of a vast, dark room filled with rows of upholstered folding seats that descend towards a small floor, and there's an enormous blank white rectangle in the front of the room directly across from the door.]

Hmm...what have we here?

[Jingling quietly, Malone sidles to one of the aisles and moves down until he's halfway between door and screen, then sidles to the center of the row and makes himself comfortable, feet on the backs of the seats in front of him. A large bucket of popcorn appears on his lap, and a bucket almost half that size appears on the armrest. The second one is filled with some kind of fizzy dark drink. A countdown appears on the screen! It seems the movie is going to start. Malone dips his beak into the giant cup of Pepsi, and-]

[....beak? Why yes, the mask is now a beak...and his arms are no longer clad in leather gloves, they're covered in white feathers. His feet are remarkably skinny and yellow, with three taloned toes. He's an anthropomorphic stork! No time to ponder, though, as the screen fills with giant yellow letters and music familiar to American audiences blares while the letters recede into the distance and more letters start scrolling after it, summarizing the backstory.]

[OOC: movie time! Star Wars meets the Highlander cartoon and all the human characters are anthropomorphic animals. Come and watch the adventure of Luke MacLeodWalker, the fox prophesied to end Kortan, the black panther better known as Darth Saber, and free mankind from his evil rule! Your character will transform into an anthropomorphic animal once inside the theater, and snacks and drinks will appear when they sit down.]

plot: good drugs, malone

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