Fifth Experiment [Accidental Video]

Mar 24, 2011 10:11

[Unaware that the Blackberry is recording, Dr. Stein puts it down on the lab table before going to the cabinet. He pulls out the necessary instruments for his experiments, and places them methodically on the table. The lack of interesting events and creatures does not make the doctor feel grateful for the reprieve, but suspicious. Like the eye of a storm, it was always wise to be cautious when it was TOO quiet. There was also the disapperances of Maka, Medusa, and Crona to take into consideration. Did they return back to Death City? What has become of the Academy? Was this trip to Badfic Manor just a side effect of the kishin's madness?

Stein took a drag from his cigarette before pinning down the butterfly he caught in the yard. SInce there were no special creatures around that he could study, it was back to the basics. He grabbed the scalpal carefully as the butterfly's legs waved frantically. In one clean motion, an incision was made down its body. Stein took the dish and placed it under a microscope, hoping to find something interesting. Perhaps animals, much like the people, in this world were different.]

dr. franken stein, plot: writer's block

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