[Megamind finished his
report for Black Jack and has sealed up the envelope. It didn't take him long but the fact that he had seen his life in a medical history report didn't seem all that impressive to him in the least. Most of what he has written down was from memory and from the physician's report while he was growing up in the prison...that later became his home then left with a clean record once he saved the city.
Upon reaching Black Jack's door, he looked both ways and slipped the envelope under the door. Walking away, he felt that there was something else that needed to be added to the sheet but he couldn't remember what it was and hesitated.]
Crab nuggets. Well, it's too late to take it back now. I'll catch him later.
[He whispers as he turns and walks away. Now it was time to return to his room and start another project. One that required a bit of secrecy and privacy for both Roxanne and Megamind. The trouble is, not waking her up to do it.]