Prank 001 () James Potter () [Accidental Video]

Jun 28, 2010 08:07

[The feed cuts in to reveal a very confused looking young man prodding at the thing. There's a female voice heard behind him, gentle and quiet. The feed is jostling, clearly he and his Daemon are on the move.]

Do you know what you're doing, James?

Yes. Er. Maybe. I think so. [He squints at the screen] Oh! A light went off! That means it's working, yeah?

I'm not sure...

I think it does. [As if that makes a difference] Now the question is what does it do...? [The feed shows his feet for a second as James turns it over in his hands. He's walking down the staircase.]

I think it's some kind of communication device. You know, like your mirror.

Really? [He furrows his brow staring into it.] I dunno, talking deer, I don't see anyone.

I'm not a talking deer, I'm your Daemon, I told you that before. And I told you my name is Géraldine.

Yes, yes, right, my "Daemon." [clearly he doesn't believe her. He pauses for a moment furrowing his brow.] Oi! I want to talk to you!

james potter, plot: his dark materials, comment: miria harvent

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