{03} Where has the time gone?

Jun 27, 2010 16:16

[Willy sits up straight in his bed with a shocked expression on his face. His last memory was being chained up and dragged around by a group of people but that was about it. He couldn't remember what happened other than the chains and the swimming pool.

He put his hands to his face and sneezed. A tiny sigh was heard over his shoulder and he looked to find a white ferret with his keys.]

Well, if this isn't useless, I don't know what is. They are pretty though and I think I'll hold on to them a while.

[Willy's purple eyes widen and shift from the left and to the right. Sure he knew that impossible things could happen. He dreams up the impossible everyday and tries to make it happen but this topped the cake on the weird scale even for him. He puts his gloved finger to his lips.]

Shhh, you're not supposed to talk.

[The ferret's eyes rolled and gave a soft click of her tongue.]

Oh do be reasonable. Of course I can. I am your Daemon, Margarette.

[Willy was now shaking his head to clear out the cobwebs.]

You can't be Margarette because that's my mother's name and you look nothing like her.

[He turned his nose up in the air in a playful yet serious manner behind the stare.]

Regardless, I am here to aid you, if you are so willing. You were asleep for a while now and you should come to realize by now that you are not in the same place where you have been. Would you like to know why?

[Willy's brow furrowed.]

I'm in the same place I have been before so it doesn't really matter anyway.

[Margarette was about to speak with her tiny finger in the air and stopped. Somehow, what he said made sense and it confused her.]

I suppose.....

[Willy stood up from the bed and took the keys from Margarette.]

I'll need those.

[The action shook the ferret from her thoughts and she shouted behind him.]

For what? No door will fit them!

[Willy stops and looks over his shoulder with a smile.]

And you're supposed to know me better than anyone.

Give me those!


Why not?

Because they're mine. I found them and I gave them a purpose, that's why.

[The Daemon crosses her tiny arms over her chest and sighs.]


[The feed is cut off when Willy reaches over to press the button.]

willy wonka, plot: his dark materials

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