Character Names: Dean and Sam Winchester
When: When LJ was being an ASS July 25 AFTER Dean has spoken to Cas; then a skip forward four days
Location: The boy's room
Summary: Dean hasn't fed, and much to his dislike, Sam is helpful.
Warnings: Language. Vampirism.
Notes: Was played in
InsaneJournal while LJ was being a butt (
omnomnomnom )
Comments 26
Sam knew what was going on. He'd seen it in action for as long as he could remember. If something was really bothering Dean, he'd tear into a few cheeseburgers, a few rounds of beer and either charm himself into some agreeable company for the night, or if the night was really bad, pick a fight.
Problem was, Dean wasn't doing any of the above. He was shutting down completely.
He knew what was wrong. Dean missed the kids, and he needed to feed.
He couldn't do anything about the lost children. But he could damn well do something about what his brother needed to survive.
It was something that unnerved him on a profound level, but he knew he had to do it. So before going back to the room, Sam got a secure lock for the door and loaded his bag with supplies.
He'd wait him out if he had to.
Dean needed a drink. Badly. But, of course, he'd been robbed of the simple pleasure which was to help take the pain away. Or at least numb it a little.
When Sam came in, he looked up, automatically slipping into 'I'm fine' mode. "hey, Sammy. What's all the stuff for?" He was furiously ignoring the pain that the hunger was causing.
Something which wasn't help by his brother's slightly raised heartbeat and pulse. No, he scolded himself doesn't even smell.. edible. He's freaking Sam, after all.
He answered with a casual sort of grin. Dean wasn't going to find out about this until he clapped the lock on the door. Two could play at the 'nothing wrong' game. If there was one thing Winchesters did well, it was repress.
"Just a few supplies. Nothing big."
The bag dropped in the corner, Sam pulled the door shut behind him and snapped the lock shut.
"You need to eat. And we're not leaving this room until you do."
A flash of urgency shot through him, despite the fact he also knew that he probably should feed before he upheld his promise to Cas, or he'd probably end up killing him. But not Sam.
"Nothing big? a few supplies? What did you do Sam? kidnap someone from their rooms and drag them in here in the bag?"
He knew he hadn't.
But he couldn't think of the obvious alternative.
Wouldn't think of the obvious alternative.
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