(no subject)

Aug 14, 2009 07:13

thank fuck it's Friday. It's been a long-ass week, and I've only worked four days. I'm just completely beat and looking forward to some quality time spent in my bed this weekend! (Especially since my plans got cancelled last night)

I'm kinda wishing I'd not woken up today though. Not only am I have an ouchie hip day, but I've been awake less than an hour and I'm growly, annoyed and pissed off. Not a good start to the day. Not when I still have a freaking gazillion purchase orders to raise.

Although, I do still have a nice list of fic to write at work. Top of the list being Steve/author's choice, 'skinny dipping'
I have two options, tempted to write them both... will see how bored I get lmao

But, for now, I need to shower so I shall leave you with

christian kane, fanfiction, life, the morning wibble, work, fairuza balk, ewan mcgregor

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