(no subject)

Aug 13, 2009 18:55

Wow, I've been lax in updating this week, I do apologise! Not even a wibble for the last few days *hangs head in shame and toes ground* I sorry. I shall post a few pretty pictures at the end of this post *nods*

Basically, work is kicking my ass.

Although, being back was nowhere near as bad as I expected it to me. Tuesday was however full of people asking me if I was ok and telling me I looked like death. Gee, thanks SO much!

I've been pretty much busy constantly - except for a couple hour blip yesterday afternoon - three weeks worth of entering invoices, expenses and mileage, three weeks worth of cheques to raise, three weeks worth of banking, three weeks worth of filing. Oh, the joys! Plus, someone managed to screw up some of my folders, so I spent a good couple hours trying to sort those out too.

The best thing though is that all my work is going to start coming directly to me. Basically, one of the reasons I've been getting so bored is that work has to filter through from Jo or Carol because of how the purchase order/goods receipt/authorisations processes work.

Not any more.

I've spent yesterday afternoon and all day today and I'm still not quite finished yet raising and sending out purchase order numbers for each of the courses we run. And trust me... that's a fuckload of courses.

But, it does mean, that as of the current academic year, all invoices come to me to be checked and approved before they're paid. Which is all kinds of seriously cool, incredibly awesome and damn freaking scary!

So yes, work is pretty good but my energy levels are still pretty much non-existent and I’m being drained like you would not believe.

Tuesday, I was almost asleep at my desk by 10:00 (which, when you consider I start work at 08:45, not so good!). I got home, crawled into bed, ate leftover pizza, bawled my eyes out over The Notebook and went to sleep.

Yesterday was a little easier - although that was possible due to copious amounts of sugar and caffeine. But even so, I was still dead by lunchtime. Again with getting home, crawling into bed, and eating a bowl of beans & sausages! LOL I also watched Nanny McPhee (which was adorable) and two episodes of Rescue 77 with havenward

Well, when I say with her, it was more watching in sync on MSN. Which, y'know, is always fun - especially as we kinda have the same, incredibly shallow, reactions... especially to Wick's ass in that jumpsuit and wanting Steve to carefully work the zipper down when Christian's wearing nothing underneath it *grins*. Oh, and wanting Ryan to just... combust and disappear of the screen. And yelling that Michael is nowhere hot enough for all the close ups he gets. And then there was the possible slashing of Wick/Dr Douchebag. I mean Griffith....

Although, a joint watch like that is nowhere near as fun as being cuddled up doing so. I'd have definitely preferred the curled up with her watching it - or anything, really - version.

Let's see, what else have I been doing?
Oh, right. A little bit of writing
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/70803.html?thread=16339859 - Kane RPS, Chris/Steve, Regina Spektor - Consequence of Sound
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/63530.html?thread=14930474 - Leverage RPS, Chris/Tim, licking whiskey off lips
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/68790.html?thread=15911350 - Kane RPS/Leverage/AtS, Chris/Steve/Eliot/Lindsey & baby!Sarah, fluffy toys
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/65231.html?thread=15240143 - Leverage!RPS, Chris/Tim, dirty cell pics
http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/70803.html?thread=16341907 - Kane RPS/ATS/Leverage/Rescue 77, Steve/Chris/Lindsey/Eliot/Wick, "knocking at my chamber door" (MC Lars - Mr. Raven)

christian kane, tv, the morning wibble, movies, joel madden, gina bellman, jensen ackles, ewan mcgregor, keegan connor tracy, gareth david-lloyd, comment_fic, work, john barrowman, health, bondage, riley smith, hilary duff, fanfiction, miracle laurie, life, lindsay lohan, friends, jared padalecki

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