Music Monday

Mar 25, 2019 18:01

Right then, let's get this blogging thing going again, shall we?

Tis Monday so that can mean only one thing - a music Monday. I've not listened to a huge amount of music recently but looking at my listening reports on, this is a song I've listened to most lately.

image Click to view

I'm not a huge Elton John fan. I've got a handful of his albums, love a bunch of his songs but found him very boring live. I would LOVED to have seen him back in the 70s with all that spectacle and pizzazz though. I had a 70s playlist on shuffle on Spotify last week which might be why this one's top. Not complaining though because I do rather love it.

Although, I won't be seeing the movie. I don't see the point - same as with the Queen one.

elton john, music monday, meme, video, music

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