How... interesting

Feb 11, 2019 19:09

Can someone gift my musculoskeletal team a thesaurus? Because I'm getting quite paranoid over how many people are describing my x-ray as 'interesting'.

I started physio this morning. We went over the referral paperwork and Kate commented that in the letter, my orthopod had described it as interesting. Then when she saw the x-ray herself, her response was "oh, yes. that is interesting."
I mean, there are worse things to have your skeleton described as but the fact everyone in the profession who's seen it has said it, makes me a little flaily over the state of my structure!
I don't want to be interesting any more!

We went over all my symptoms and triggers, she said I looked like I was struggling to walk. And haha, no, no this is a pretty good day, actually. Her face was o.O.

She did a full range of motion test and tested the strength in my right hip and knee. Very limited and very weak were the results. So the first thing we're going to work on is building mobility and strength because we need that before we can do anything else.

She looked at my leg length - and there was an inch difference between good and bad legs. With the bad leg being longer. So she's referring me to orthotics to see if there's anything they can do.

She's also going to refer me to hydrotherapy once we get the leg moving, so that I can work on weightless movements of the leg and to help strengthen

THEN once we've got the leg to a state where it's capable of... well being a leg, we can work on my gait. Because like she said - there's no point teaching me to walk on a leg that doesn't work!

physio, health

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