Happy 18th Birthday LJ

Apr 16, 2017 15:03

It's taken me a few days of hard thinking but I have decided that I'm not going to leaveLJ. It's been my home for 13 years, I kinda like it there. It's seen pretty much my entire adult life - ups and downs, highs and lows, relationships and friendships, fandoms, depression, obsessions...

I've been a member since you had to have a code to join!

Hell, I remember the confusion and panic when the fandoms I was in started migrating from yahoo groups to LJ.

So no, not going to leave. I understand why people are. I get it, I do. I'll be here until either the site implodes and dies, or they kick me off/delete my account for being gay and posting gay things. Whatever.

I am, however, not going to give them any more of my money. I think the main thing that's going to kill me is losing all that icon space next month when my add-on.
DW can have my money instead.

I'm mirrored over on DW and have been for... many many years. I don't like the LJ posting page and have been crossposting for an awfully long time.

If you're reading this on LJ, and want to add me on DW, please do! I'm badfalcon over there too.

dreamwidth, livejournal, blogging

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