101 Things In 1001 Days

Jan 22, 2016 19:10

A couple of my friends have signed up for the 101 Things In 1001 Days challenge and it intrigued me. I have signed up and completed my list.

The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

1 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! complete 22/01/2016
2 Influence a person to make a day zero list
3 Identify 100 things that make me happy
4 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime
5 Make an iTunes playlist of 101 of my favorite songs
6 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for
7 Make a list of 25 things that I like about myself and stick it to my mirror
8 Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
9 Make a list of my 50 favorite movies
10 Keep a food diary for a month
11 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
12 Buy a Wreck This Journal and finish it
13 Finish writing Puppy!Daniel
14 Finish writing Bookstore!Daniel
15 Finish my AAT
16 Meet Michael Shanks
17 Meet Ben Browder
18 Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all
19 Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet
20 Read the Bible
21 Read The Qur'an
22 Read the Book of Mormon
23 Read The Vedas
24 Read the Torah
25 Read the Satanic Bible
26 Read all of the Harry Potter books
27 Read 10 classic books
28 Memorize the "To be or not to be" soliloquy from Hamlet
29 Ask 20 friends to suggest one movie, and watch them all
30 Watch all of IMDB'S Top 250 Movies
31 Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
32 See 10 classic movies I've never seen
33 Watch all the Harry Potter movies
34 Watch the Oscar-nominated movies from the year I was born
35 Watch every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
36 Watch a movie from every year I've been alive
37 Watch 20 documentaries
38 Watch every Disney animated classic
39 Watch a Bollywood film
40 Watch all of the Star Wars movies
41 Redecorate my bedroom
42 Redecorate the bathroom
43 Figure out what to do with the spare room
44 Go through closet and get rid of old clothes
45 Spend one weekend with only my music, art and books. "Unplug"
46 Expand my vocabulary by 100 words
47 Reach a healthy BMI
48 Don't eat chocolate for a week
49 Bake cupcakes
50 Make Chocolate Chip Cookies
51 Go to a food festival
52 Go to a music festival
53 Visit Chester Zoo (England)
54 Visit the British Museum (London)
55 Visit Buckingham Palace (London)
56 Visit the Churchill War Rooms (England)
57 Go on the London Eye (London)
58 Visit the London Science Museum (England)
59 Visit London Zoo (England)
60 Explore Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum (England)
61 Visit the National Gallery, London (England)
62 Visit the Natural History Museum in London (England)
63 Visit the National Portrait Gallery (DC) (London)
64 Visit the Tate Modern (England)
65 Visit the Tower of London (England)
66 Visit Oxford (England)
67 Visit Stonehenge (England)
68 Climb Mount Snowdon (Wales)
69 See the Arc de Triomphe (France)
70 Visit Disneyland Paris (Paris)
71 See the Eiffel Tower (Paris)
72 Visit the Louvre (France)
73 Visit the Colosseum (Italy)
74 Throw a coin at the Trevi Fountain (Italy)
75 Visit Vancouver (Canada)
76 Visit Alcatraz (San Francisco)
77 Visit San Francisco (United States of America)
78 Visit the Winchester Mystery House (California)
79 Take a dance class
80 Take a Yoga class
81 Become fluent in German
82 Learn to sew a button
83 Learn the alphabet in sign language
84 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia
85 Improve my posture
86 Dye my hair
87 Whiten my teeth
88 Get a piercing
89 Donate blood
90 Find out my blood type
91 Take a free online class
92 Make a piece of jewelry
93 Complete a Sudoku puzzle
94 Build a sandcastle
95 Try a basic meditation technique
96 Buy a lottery ticket
97 Go a month without buying anything that isn't a necessity
98 Create a budget and stick to it
99 Have at least £1,000 in savings
100 Pay off my credit cards
101 Finish writing another 101 things list by the end of 1001 days

And this is where you guys can help out with three of my goals, please and thank you!
Influence a person to make a day zero list
Come and play with me! Join up and create your own list and join me in this madness. My profile is at https://dayzeroproject.com/user/badfalcon/ - link me to yours?

Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all
Ask 20 friends to suggest one movie, and watch them all
So this is over to you - please recommend me a book and a movie each?!

house, money, goals, days out, travel, movies, cooking, health, 101 things in 1001 days, reading

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