It's only words...

Aug 02, 2014 22:11

Things I'm supposed to be writing: My
Although, to be fair, it is half finished and I know where I'm going with it. Just a couple more scenes of the plotty bit then on to the fun sex bit. And then figure out how the hell it ends.

Things I started writing this morning and proceeded to write over 250 words of: that damn kinky son-of-a-bitch Mitchell fic.
I even found him a submissive partner to play with. I'm kinda hoping that if I get him out my system, Bob! might concentrate on the aforementioned Jack/Daniel fic...

So, what am I currently writing?
...that would be Kawalsky/O'Neill

For sale: one muse. Bratty little shit, goes by the name of Bob!

stargate sg1, fanfiction

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