Index Of comment_fic

Feb 05, 2012 14:15

RPS, Chris/Steve, snuggling
RPS, Chris/Steve, warm
RPS, Chris/Steve, happy
Kane RPS, Chris/Steve, shower
RPS, Chris/Steve, cosy
RPS, Chris/Steve, breakfast in bed
RPS, Chris/Steve, soothe
RPS, Chris/Steve, fancy dress
RPS, Chris/Steve, day off
RPS, Chris/Steve, guitar
RPS, Steve/Chris, dirty talking voice mail
RPS, Steve/Christian, 2AM
RPS, Chris/Steve, nipple clamps
RPS, Chris/Steve, vibrating cock ring
RPS, Chris/author's choice, something new
RPS, Chris/Steve, moan
RPS, Chris/Steve, blue eyes
Kane RPS, Chris/Steve, birthdays
rps, Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, Angel by Leona Lewis
RPS/Star Wars, padawan!Kane/padawan!Carlson, pulling his braid
Kane RPS, Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all(Pain, Three Days Grace)
RPS, Steve Carlson/author's choice, "Are you serious?"
RPS, Chris/any supernatural!Steve, The Okie boy's introduction to the Big Bad City
RPS, Chris/Steve, Chris has to learn how to knit
RPS, Chris/Steve, Facing momma Carlson after the CMX race.
RPS, Christian/Steve, chris finds out steve has an eating disorder
rps Chris/Steve "You want me to wear that?!"
RPS, Chris/Steve, welcome home
RPS, Chris/Steve, warm & cozy
RPS, Chris/author's choice, sleepy
RPS, Chris/Steve, 1408
RPS, Steve/Chris, dirty talking voice mail
RPS, Goth!Steve/Goth!Chris, piercings

RPS/Leverage, Steve/Chris/Eliot, getting to know you
Leverage/RPS, Chris/Steve/Eliot, handcuffs

RPS, Chris/Steve/Jeff, better than breakfast
RPS, Chris/Steve/Jeff, first time as a threesome

Kane RPS/CW RPS, Christian Kane/Steve Carlson/Jensen Ackles, hanging out
RPS, Steve/Chris/Jensen, music

Leverage RPS/Kane RPS, Timothy/Chris/Steve, introductions

RPS, Chris/Jeff, floor
RPS, Chris/Jeff, fingers
RPS, Chris/Jeff, mine
RPS, Jeff/Christian, spreader bar
RPS, Chris/Jeff, gloves
RPS, Chris/JDM, ring gag
RPS. JDM/Chris, struggle

RPF, JDM/Chris Kane/Sam Ferris, whiskey

RPS, Christian/Jensen, slow

Leverage RPS, Timothy/Chris, 'I'll wear it, but not in public'

CWRPS, Jeff/Jensen/Chris, terms of endearment

RPS/Leverage, Steve Carlson/Eliot Spencer, maybe better than the real thing

CWRPS, Jared/Steve, guitar strings
Jared/Steve, "everything felt right at a backyard party on a Saturday night"
RPS, Jared Padalecki/STeve Carlson, puppy love

RPS, Chris/Steve, upset
RPS, Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, stretch marks
RPS, Chris/Steve, craving
RPS, Chris/Steve, Baby's first steps
RPS, Chris/Steve, Baby's stuffed bear (porn not required)
Kane RPS, Chris/Steve & (OFC) Baby!Sarah, Disney movies
RPS; Christian Kane/Steve Carlson; baby's first...

Kane RPS, Chris/horned!Steve, dressing up for halloween (extra points if you backlight the horns with halo :g:)

RPS, cat!Chris/Steve, warm afternoon sun
RPS, Chris/Steve, playful
RPS, Chris/Steve, the family pet
rps, Kitty!Chris/Steve, Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, sprawl
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, purr
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, swimming
rps, kitty!chris/steve carlson, holiday of author's choice
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, lick
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, flea collar
RPS, kitty!chris/Steve, black trench coat
RPS, kitty!Chris/Steve, high school
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, catch
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, lap
RPS, Chris/Steve, fun
rps, any!feline!chris/any!stevie, "Okay, maybe water isn't so bad after all....*purrs*"
Kane RPS, Chris/Steve, a good scritching is like a good orgasm (both leave you boneless)
RPS, Kitty!Chris/Steve, ticklish
RPS, cat!Chris/Steve, summer fields and fresh strawberries

rps, kitty!chris/steve, furbie
RPS, Any!Kitty!Chris/Steve, pet fish
RPS, kitt(y/en/teen!cat)Chris/Steve, mouse
RPS, kitten!Chris/Steve, pet mouse
rps, kitten!chris/lil'boy!stevie, "Can you talk to cats?"

RPS, Teenage!Kitten!Chris/Teenage!Steve, first kiss
RPS, teen!cat!Chris/Teen!Steve, learning to cook
rps, teen!cat!Chris/Teen!Steve, first time making love

RPS, vampire!Steve/Chris, whimper
RPS, vampire!Steve/Chris, silk
RPS, Vampire!Steve/Chris, dreams
RPS, Vampire!Steve/Chris, seduce
RPS, Vampire!Steve/Chris, pierce
RPS, Vampire!Steve/Chris, delicious
RPS, Vampire!Steve/Chris, sensory deprivation

RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, thunderstorm
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, home
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, scars
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, sunrise
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, massage
RPS, winged!Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, fingertips
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, flutter
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, quiet
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, rain
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, gentle
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, cute when you blush
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, sensitive
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, don't fall now
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, evoke
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, melt
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, can't stop touching

AtS/Spn, Lindsey/lawyer!Sam, evil hand

Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds, Morgan/Garcia, follow

RPF - Jensen Ackles/Samantha Ferris, Licks

Leverage, Nate/Sophie/Eliot, silk
Leverage, Nate/Sophie/Eliot, not again
Leverage, Hardison/Parker FBI agents
Leverage, Nate/Eliot, Whip Cream
Leverage, Alec/Elliot, display
Leverage, werewolf!Eliot/Nate, cozy

NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, elevator

Supernatural, Dean/Sam, Licking
Supernatural, John/Mary, Impala

winged!christian, dean winchester/sam winchester, supernatural, christian kane/steve carlson/jeffrey dea, john winchester/mary winchester, teen!kitty!christian, kitten!christian, ncis, baby!sarah, leroy jethro gibbs/tony dinozzo, angel/supernatural, itbn, christian kane/steve carlson/timothy hut, nate ford/sophie deveraux/eliot spencer, lindsey mcdonald/sam winchester, parker/hardison, leverage, christian kane/jeffrey dean morgan/saman, vampire!steve, christian kane/jeffrey dean morgan, derek morgan/penelope garcia, christian kane/steve carlson/jensen ackl, jeffrey dean morgan/jensen ackles/christ, christian kane/timothy hutton, kitty!christian, nate ford/eliot spencer, steve carlson/jared padalecki, comment_fic, christian kane/jensen ackles, horned!steve, cwrps, christian kane/steve carlson, fanfiction, criminal minds, jensen ackles/samantha ferris

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