Dying Ain't Much Of A Living

Nov 30, 2010 19:01

I had an epiphany driving home from work that I thought I'd share with you - but first a little scene setting. It's dark, there's snow and ice on the roads - the winding, hilly, not-gritted b-roads that I drive to work along - and there's more snow coming down as well. It's windy, the snow being blown what feels like horizontally completely fucking screwing with your perspective as you're driving. I can barely see past Lotte's nose, and I can't turn on my full beams because the snow's just reflecting it back at me. So, I'm driving along at a nice, steady and safe 35mph.

A car comes up behind me and starts beeping his horn and flashing his lights (which, of course, just makes it even fucking harder to see). I swear at him, aloud in the comfort of Lotte, but continue my pace. He does overtake me, skids and slides all over the road, but luckily there's nothing coming and he carries on along his way.

I say to Lotte that he can drive like a fucking twat all he likes but that we're continuing along like this because I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.
I don't want to be dead.

This is the epiphany I have had.
I figured you guys would appreciate it


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