Tuesday ended up... mostly being better than Monday. I only had two minor wobbles in work. One of which was month-end related. My invoice queries are usually very well organise - I have a lever-arch file separated into sections for need to chase, awaiting authorisation, chased awaiting information and not received. I know what's where. Month-end, however, everything goes manic, the FD starts rifling through everything and all my invoices end up in a higgeldy-piggledy mess of a pile on my desk and I don't know what's where. Then Mandy starts asking me questions about accounts only I dont know where anything is.. yeah, there were tears. Not so good.
The second was... incredibly embarassing at the time but looking back, kinda funny. I had to go to the Sales Manager's office to get him to sign off some invoices. Only, it turns out his actual office door doesn't work. I found this out when I tried to open it. No, you have to walk all the way around, back through the sales office and in that way. I got incredibly embarassed, as I said, and hid in the loo for a cry.
Last night was a vast improvement.
I got in from work and I was a Llama on a mission! I tidied, I dusted & polished, I cleaned my en-suite, I vacuumed. Then I had a long hot bubble bath, which was HEAVEN.
I had Skype date with my girl, which always seems to involve lots of laughter. She has a beautiful smile so yeah, always good thing. And now I'm sitting here beaming thinking about it.
*happy sigh*