Oct 13, 2010 03:01
- 03:01:16: From Twitter 10-11-2010 http://j.mp/cW3Fj5
- 07:04:00: *yawns and stretches* mornin twitter
- 07:15:48: y'know, i was getting used to suicidal!steve stress dreams. but these dying!christian stress dreams? DO NOT WANT
- 07:28:09: i should do the getting out of bed thing...
- 08:14:32: If romance is in the air now, it's partly because you're in su... More for Leo http://twittascope.com/?sign=5
- 08:32:47: Stuck behind a freaking bus
- 09:00:10: and here i am. at work. think the papers bred overnight
- 09:21:15: Today.... is not Monday http://j.mp/d5GqI9
- 09:57:10: RT @BreakingNews: Paula becomes hurricane off Mexico's coast; warning issued for areas including Cozumel - U.S. National Hurricane Cente ...
- 10:44:39: RT @rogueevents: A5 Confirmations will be sent by the end of the week, if not recieved please email wayne@rogueevent.co.uk on Monday 18t ...
- 12:11:18: how is it only 12:11... today is DRAGGING
- 12:46:23: Because love makes the world go round http://j.mp/aLvLZG
- 12:59:44: ah. lunch. *shares wotsits and tuna sandwich*
- 13:27:59: must... not... write... death!fic... on... c-f... must... not... write... death!fic... on... c-f... must... not... write... death!fic...
- 13:48:29: its going to be a long afternoon. not even 2pm and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open
- 13:56:42: RT @Analucia815: Each Oct tweet of hashtag #cinnabonsaysthx Cinnabon donates $0.10 to Operation Gratitude for the troops! /via @JeriLRyan
- 14:41:03: went for a walk around shop floor. perked me up a bit. 2 hours 19 minutes to go.
- 15:00:37: RPS, Christian/Steve, Hawaii - http://community.livejournal.com/comment_fic/193352.html?thread=41526856#t41526856 WARNING DEATH!FIC
- 15:02:21: What Kind of Stressed Are You? - http://tinyurl.com/34grhom - You Are Emotionally Stressed #blogthings
- 16:13:53: What American City Are You? - http://tinyurl.com/5kq9vc - You Are Austin #blogthings
- 16:22:09: just hid and cried over a door.
- 18:36:49: Mmm hot bubble bath of LOVE
- 19:50:52: Tuesday night Date Night. Or it would be, if Skype would behave
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