From Twitter 09-14-2010

Sep 15, 2010 03:01

  • 03:01:42: From Twitter 09-13-2010
  • 08:14:11: Resolving interpersonal conflicts in the morning gives you the... More for Leo
  • 09:35:26: Just walked in to kitchen wearing only an oversize t-shirt to find one of my housemates does actually exist *blush*
  • 10:20:27: So much for a quiet day... off for another interview. Wish me luck
  • 12:14:45: Got the job and start on Monday
  • 14:30:44: had celebratory dinner with my mum. chicken quesadillas FTW! \o/
  • 15:00:33: I swear all I've done the last couple days is drive up and down the M6. I'm exhausted! Sunday, I took mum to the…
  • 17:49:15: just pressing play on Nikita 1x01
  • 18:29:48: thinking i'm a little in love with hellcats. please god tell me there's femslash?!
  • 19:08:00: dear body, yes i know i smacked my head wonderfully on the desk and passed out, but can we lose the thumping headache please?
  • 19:33:29: What Color Is Your Personality? - - You Are Yellow #blogthings
  • 19:40:46: The Mascot Test - - You Are Passionate #blogthings
  • 19:43:38: What Kind of Bubbles Are You? - - You Are Water Bubbles #blogthings
  • 19:45:01: Where Should You Sing? - - You Should Sing At Karaoke #blogthings
  • 19:48:20: Are You a Cappuccino or a Frappuccino? - - You Are a Cappuccino #blogthings
  • 20:40:38: oh poor merlin. arthur, you are a right royla PRAT
  • 21:08:09: oh morgana you little bitch
  • 21:12:23: dear body. if you're going to throw up, please get on with it. no love, me
  • 22:31:21: yes i hit my head on teh corner of the desk and grazed my scalp. because it was the corner of my desk... (cont)
  • 22:31:34: yes i passed out. but i've passed out before from banging my elbow against a door frame. (cont)
  • 22:31:47: i've passed out before from someone describing a broken limb (cont)
  • 22:32:06: yes i've been feeling queer. but my body's automatic response to pain is to throw up. tear ligament in knee, throw up in bin under desk.
  • 22:32:17: the nausea is passing slowly. the headache is easing. i'm fine
  • 22:33:32: passing out, in public, from someone describing a broken leg is... hilarious and embarassing, in case you were wondering.
  • 22:34:58: and i once passed out in work from someone talking abou a car accident. if you're going to pass out in work, i recommend a police office.
  • 23:21:39: Fine. Spoke to out of hours doc. Sitting in the ER
  • 23:33:31: Hour and a half wait. Fuck. How'm i sposed to pay the cab fare home after midnight
  • 23:38:41: Make that a two hour wait
  • 23:43:40: Alright so whos going to distract my from hospitalfear induced panic attack?

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