From Twitter 09-13-2010

Sep 14, 2010 03:01

  • 03:01:35: From Twitter 09-12-2010
  • 08:14:01: You have been busier than usual with energetic Mars in your 3r... More for Leo
  • 11:03:48: *yawns and stretches* morning twitter. sleepy llama was sleepy and slept for 10 hours. she has a job interview today, one weds and one thurs
  • 11:48:36: The Morning Wibble
  • 17:29:33: thinking i maybe shouldnt have stopped taking the happy pills
  • 17:49:06: hello there to my new followers *waves*
  • 18:41:16: *curls up on the nearest warm lap*
  • 18:50:26: does this work as a summary? When Mozzie tells Peter that Neal is distracted, a number of scenarios race through Peter’s head. (cont)
  • 18:50:35: (cont)What he discovers when he walks through the door is nothing like anything he could have ever imagined
  • 18:58:12: next up is 'fatalism' from angst bingo. and... i got NOTHING
  • 19:51:44: dear body. it's 8pm. you slep 10 hours last night. you're not really sleepy, i promise. (i think maybe i need to restart my iron pills too)
  • 20:42:39: so... anyone... is the glades any good?
  • 20:50:26: 7 minutes in and... meh not interested.
  • 21:30:01: dear twitter. what do i want to read?

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