Jan 21, 2009 16:44
In a world that is as depressed and gloom-filled as the one in which we live, it should be wildly important to feel and express love as often as you can experience the emotion. When there seems to be little such thing as *good* news, we should let love permeate our lives.
It is important to me to say the words "I love you" as often as I feel the need to - to my husband, my children, my parents and siblings, and my friends. I'm sad to think that there are times I feel it, but don't say it, because convention and society deem it inappropriate. I adore songs like "These Words" by Natasha Beddingfield and "Love You Madly" by Cake, because they reinforce my position on the issue. Conversely, I find myself annoyed at songs wth lyrics like "You're the only one for me..." and such nonsense. As though we have only enough love to give a single person in our lives, or even only enough to give a single person for any period of time during our lives. I think that it is enriching to love as much as possible, to tell people that you love them...to never have to lie to yourself (or others) about such a beautiful, fulfilling aspect of life. I think that my capacity to love as honestly and frequently as I do makes me not only a better person overall, but a better person to love, and it certainly doesn't lessen my love for one when I have love for another...on the contrary, I truly feel that it compounds my love, increasing the love I have to give to everyone that I love.
When I recognize how much, how openly, I give of my love, it absolutely fills me with love. And being filled with love is the best way to be.
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait...I'm yours!