Sep 30, 2008 13:12
The stubborn little wench sure is hanging in there!! I pointed out to Josh that my original estimated due date (before my first ultrasound) was October 6, however, the September 25 due date matches up a little better with 40 weeks from (what we believe to be) her date of conception. Josh is splitting the difference and guessing she'll finally make her appearance tomorrow. I'm just ready to meet her and hold her already!!
I have a check-up today at 3. Last week's check-up revealed my blood sugar levels to be a cause for concern at a whopping 171 (I say "whopping" but I don't actually know what average is...for regular patients, or expectant mothers). They were prompted to test last week after a routine urine test showed sugar. I have tried to be careful over the past week about my sugar intake, and hope that a difference will show if they have cause to test again today. If my blood sugar levels have not decreased an appropriate amount, I'm a little afraid that they'll start talking medical induction...and while that may sound very tempting, with all the just getting it over with...its really not something that I'd like to do. And I hope that, if they do want to induce, I will be able to stand my ground, and talk them into giving me a few days to either begin labor naturally, or failing that, at least bring my glucose levels down a bit more. This news does compound my fear a little about having another big baby. Liam was 9 lb 9 oz. I'm honestly a little terrified to experience that again.
I'm 40 weeks and 5 days today. Wish me luck at my appointment this afternoon. And keep sending all that positive energy for a safe and healthy birth!
Hopefully the next time I post, it will be with date, weight and time!
love and blessings!