Hung out with James, JD, Val, and Noel yesterday... it was nice...
Now I have work for the next 4 days... I really do work to much... All my time is spent working.. and I don't think I would have it any other way... but... I look forward to school coming back... then I'll have more time... Funny how my break is more busy then school semester...
So.. Spring is coming.... hmph...
My dreams have been... strange lately... and having a theme... but a disturbing theme at times... less blood and strife then usual... but... somewhat disconcerting at times.... I have some idea how to translate them... but not sure I like how they might translate... and not like I could do much to relieve them...
I once again state.. never give your kingdom for a heart.
We're not Iron Maiden and we're not from England!
We are short and we are from Finland!