Levels of Shipping: Defcon 3 (Military on Standby)

May 30, 2015 16:45

Everything Is Sunshine And Rainbows And Puppies Flying Out Of My Ass ‘ShipsI don't really do these kind of ships. I get off on ANGST...so as I was racking my brain for the answer to this one, I still came to what might be an unconventional answer, but let me give it to you ( Read more... )

ships! ftw, rick/kate, castle

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distant_autumn July 8 2015, 14:27:03 UTC
I don't know what season it is with Bones, but I just remember this one episodes where Brennan is lamenting about just wanting to be with a good man and be happy, and then literally later that episode, Booth is like, "I want you, I want to be with you, I want to see where this can go" and she's like NO NO NO I CAN'T. I just remember being so done with it.

Yeah, it got really silly in that regard. I remember this one set point at the end of a season where it was utterly obvious that the show had strung things out as long as was remotely believable to even the most generous viewer, and so I assumed they were finally going there because duh... and then they introduced yet another pointless contrivance to prevent it happening that was clearly going to take at least another full season to resolve and I honestly sat there half wondering if maybe the actors secretly hated each other and didn't want to have to do intimate scenes or something, because it had become so completely absurd that not even some paranoid writerly/network Moonlighting curse fear of going there seemed to justify them delaying it even longer. But seriously, whatever the reason, it got ridiculous. And like I said, I wasn't even someone who wanted them together, so I can only imagine how frustrating it must've been for anyone who did.

When Beckett and Castle finally get together, I believe my LJ post about it was something like: Thank you Castle for not being Bones!

Hee! I love it.


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