30 Days of OTP: Day Thirty: Book OTP

Jun 17, 2014 21:40

When I first contemplated this prompt, I had various thoughts of who I should choose: Rhett/Scarlett, Darcy/Elizabeth, Hareton/Catherine....

I mean a classic pairing is the obvious choice.

But then I remembered that this pairing is the one that I rooted for, for six books, even when they were too young to really understand how much they belonged together.

Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley,
The Harry Potter Series

I could go on AT LENGTH about my many problems with the films of these books, but my number one complaint is that Ginny's personality was completely obliterated. The girl from the books is NOT in the films, at all. While I thought the actress they had to play her was a lovely girl, and it wasn't her fault that she was so terribly written, it only made me hate the films so vehemently that I pretty much ignore their existence, except for Chamber of Secrets.

But as for this series of books, I find their story so lovely, and Ginny's hero-worship (that was actually well earned in eventuality by Harry) was only rivaled by her own spunk, proving herself to be the proper match for Harry as well, so that when the monster in his chest started roaring, and the inevitable was on the horizon, it was so well played and worth the wait. And then the tragic angst of it all when Harry opts out in fairness to Ginny, who continued to fight right by his theoretic side anyway.

Ginny forever became MY GIRL in the seventh book when she offers herself to Harry at no price, simply because she loves him, and she knows he loves her, and she's not stupid. She wants every moment she can have, stolen or otherwise, and she would have gladly and without regret gone through with it, and if he never returned to her, she would have always had that moment in time to comfort herself with. *sigh*

I adore Harry in his own right, I do. And his slow realization of his feelings for Ginny (the love potion stuff was priceless for me) was perfect. He always belonged in the Weasley family, so it was fitting that he fell in love with Ginny and officially became one of them.

30 day meme, harry/ginny, harry potter

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