30 Days of OTP: Day Twenty-Nine: Movie OTP

Jun 16, 2014 00:10

As one might suspect of me, I have many, MANY movie OTPs (such as X-Men: Logan/Jean Grey; Star Wars: Han/Leia; Star Trek Reboot: Spock/Uhura; Marvel: Steve/Natasha; Reality Bites: Troy/Lelaina; -- all of which I could argue vehemently for given the chance).

And then there's this pairing.

Lucy Eleanor Moderatz & Jack Callaghan,
While You Were Sleeping

The year was 1995. I was 20 years old. I was in love with Sandra Bullock after watching Speed a bajillion times. And then this movie came into my life. And it was everything perfect, wonderful, and brilliant. To me, there is no romantic comedy that compares. [Don't even get me started on the Bullock rip-off version The Proposal -- I get LIVID. LIVID!] This movie is about thinking you know just what you want, and in your heart, you DO know just what you want, but your eyes might deceive you for a bit. But in the end, your heart will lead you true, and if you're as lucky as Lucy, it will lead you to your Jack.

jack/lucy, 30 day meme, while you were sleeping

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