So when I first thought about this prompt, I was pretty sure I would share my Damon/Rebekah fic because I really loved that one, but then I remembered something else. I've been on a kick lately, listening to the music from the first season of Glee and all of a sudden, today, I was reminded of this other story I wrote for what was definitely a MINOR pairing in S1, even though back then they were canon.
I Despise That I Adore You:
LJ Version or
@AO3 | Fandom: Glee | Puck/Santana | Set during the latter half of S1 | 8000 words
I wrote this before Santana was labeled as a lesbian (I believe that happened in S2, but maybe it wasn't even until S3, and I had quit the show by then), so this was the canon at the time, and she was very possessive of Puck, so that's where all my head-canon for her came from. Plus, I wrote it for a fic exchange for someone who wanted to see the Puck/Santana pairing explored, because they were then (and I'm sure have no place whatsoever in the landscape considering what was revealed about Santana later in canon) woefully under-represented. I just remember loving it so much more than I thought I would. It was a joy to write.
Santana's not sure why she's so angry. He isn't doing anything different than he ever has; she's always liked it just like this.
No strings attached. She could hook up with whoever she wanted, though the truth of the matter is that she rarely did that. When she had an itch, she called Puck. Sometimes if she had too much to drink, she hooked up with Britt. It was just something they did; there was comfort in it, and Santana didn't read too much into it. She loved Brittany; it was just an extension of the acceptance she felt there.
The occasional other hook up (Finn, Matt, Mike) had all been for a purpose (power, fun, experiment-Britt said Mike was bendy, so you know, she had to find out just how).
It's not like she likes Puck. (Well, maybe she likes him.) But she's not in love with him or anything.
When they'd been rehearsing and figuring out the parts for "Bad Romance" Kurt had looked right at her. "You sing this part, Santana," he said, handing her sheet music highlighted with orange neon. "Sing it like it destroys you, like you want it more than anything, like you'd kill whoever it was that stood between you and whoever you want."
Then he demonstrated: "I want your love and I want your revenge, I want your love, I don't wanna be friends. WANT YOUR BAD ROMANCE!"
She'd gotten chills; they all had. When she sang it alone in her bathroom the night before their performance, she wondered if Kurt thought about Finn when he sang it. It's no secret, everybody knows Hummel wants Hudson, and it's never gonna happen.
"The Boy is Mine" had been a power play. Mercedes, and all those girls, needed to know that Puck was off limits. Quinn is the only one she'd approve of, and that's only because of the baby. (She knows that shit matters to Puck. She can respect that.)
"Bad Romance" hadn't been a message to anyone. The boys didn't even get it anyway; Gaga was some kind of foreign nation that they couldn't enter.
She hadn't been singing to Puck. She didn't want him. She just didn't want anyone else to have him.
Oh, S1 of Glee, I shall always love you.