[Life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get.]

Apr 13, 2012 15:18

[But most likely, you'll eat WAY TOO MANY OF THEM.]

So, yo. halfshellvenus, whom I've known since my early moments on LJ, mentioned yesterday that she would like to see "less hype" / more substantive type posts from me. And I do have some thoughts, as always, swimming around regarding various controversial topics, but the more I pondered yesterday on a particular topic, the more I deemed myself not ready to formalize or verbalize my thoughts.

So what else have I got to offer....hmmmm.

[1] I don't like the new it's dumb look. Yay! You can fix by copy & pasting this to your CSS Style Sheet:
.ljcut-link { color:transparent; margin-left:-25px; }
.ljcut-link:before { content:"( "; color:#000000; padding-left:25px; }
.ljcut-link:after { content:" )"; color:#000000; }
.ljcut-link a { margin-left:-25px; }
[Thanks arabian!]

[2] American Idol is the ABSOLUTE WORST SHOW ON TELEVISION. It's manipulative, and the "judges" are insipid, and yet, the contestants are SO TALENTED, this is my favorite season since S7. Last night's results show was on par with a litmus test for "how stupid are white, middle-class Americans, really?" and I'd hate to know the actual answer, for realz. Here's the real joke: I didn't even WATCH the results show and that's how I feel.

[3] There is less than a week between me and new Damon Salvatore, and that makes me happy in my pants.

[I'm sorry, I just couldn't post without a word from our sponsor.]

[4] My novel writing is not coming along swimmingly, so I'm taking a break and writing Young Americans fic because my obsession with Ian Somerhalder KNOWS NO BOUNDS.

[5] It's shaping up to be a movie and pizza night tonight. I bought my roomie The Town for her birthday and we need to watch it. I love that movie. I love all Ben Affleck movies that he directs. #verytalented

[6] This post is mostly pointless. My apologies, halfshellvenus!

damon picspam, /random, fanfic, american idol

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