A few things...

Jul 16, 2009 16:43

...so I've postponed being a real author a little bit. I'll get to that over the weekend, most likely.

But first some fangirling stuff:
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fangirlyness, harry potter, fangirl trip

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sticks_for_legs July 19 2009, 06:44:06 UTC
I haven't read any of the books, I'm just weird that way. But I do know that Ron dies in the final, and that's what I let slip to my friend, but I seriously thought she would know that, because it's been all over the internet for a year! I bought a copy of the final book today, because I'm curious to see how everything goes down, rather than waiting till '10 for the release of the last two films.

I loved Rupert in love, it was just laughable. Luna, love her. Jim Broadbent and Alan Rickman, amazing. They finally gave Alan more to do than look scary! And yes, Dan is getting better, it helps that he had to play off such great actors this time, instead of everything being with Emma and Ron, but even when he was playing off of them it was better than the last three films. I missed the twins, am I alone?

I just watched a BBC production that Dan was in about 2 - 3 years ago, and he was very good, My Boy Jack it's called. Oh, and he's been cast in a film post-HP based on the life of a journalist who was stoned to death in the early '90s, let's see how much he grows when playing a real life adult in non-fantasy based peril?


badboy_fangirl July 19 2009, 06:59:25 UTC
I don't know who told you Ron dies, but that's misinformation. Fred dies, but he's the only Weasley who gets killed. Sorry to disappoint you.

Yeah, the twins were only in it for that one scene in their store, but I always feel like there's not enought of everyone and too much of certain stuff. The films can just never even compare with the books, honestly.

I'd like to watch Dan in some non-HP stuff. I should netflix him and see what I can get.


sticks_for_legs July 19 2009, 09:23:12 UTC
Well, I'm never going to listen to my former room mate again, 'cause she told me Ron dies! Art major who sticks to manga and harry potter, obviously she doesn't know how to read thoroughly. Bah!

I can just tell you now, but all Dan's done besides the two roles before Harry Potter, were David Copperfield and The Tailor or Panama. Post HP, it's December Boys, which I tried to watch online, but couldn't stand the pixilation, and then he did My Boy Jack. I wish they'd made a taped play production of Equus like they've done with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart in Hamlet, but no luck.

Oh, Dan's rumoured to be on the short list for the role of Bilbo in the Hobbit film series. Our boy James McAvoy seems to be the fan and director favorite for the un-claimed role though.


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