Is it wrong that the I am glad the same Supreme Court that I don't want touching personal issues is about to handle one of the issues I hold most personal? A federal appeals court
just struck down the District of Columbia's ban on firearms on the basis that it violates the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution. There is no way that the city's legal team will let this decision stand w/o an appeal to the SCOTUS.
I personally see the outcome being 5 to 4 against the ban with some sort of ruling saying that at a minimum The People have a right to possess firearms in their own homes. Of course, if it were to be on something else I feel equally strong about, say reproductive rights, assisted suicide, or privacy in the bedroom The Court would rule against said issues with about the same split.
Sometimes I hate believing the Constitution restricted the role of government and entrusted The People with safeguarding those restrictions. Of course those beliefs these days could get me placed on federal watch lists and the hate of
The Brady Bunch.
To answer a question from an earlier post- yes, Pat Boone did an album covering rock songs called
In a Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy. I think I own one of the 5 copies that actually sold in the stores. I listen to it every once in a while when I'm needing something cheesy and cheering.