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Author: Caitlín R. Kiernan
ISBN: 9780451461254 DDC: 813.54
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Synchronicity swirls and other foolishness The ghoul lady takes out her white linen handkerchief and uses one corner to dab at her watering left eye. It’s an old wound, a relic of her spent and reckless youth, but it still bothers her sometimes, especially when the weather Above is wet.
I bought this on impulse. I vaguely recalled seeing the author’s name mentioned on Neil Gaiman’s blog. And it has an interesting title. Then again I was put off byBeruhmte
casino. the cover, and the fact that it seems to be the third in a ‘verse of books. Not a series though, so in the end I decided what the hell and shelled out the cash.
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I’m not quite sure how to go about writing a summary about this book. It’s about those that live Below, the Children of the Cuckoo, who take babies to live among the hounds. These changlings, when grown, then work for the hounds in the world Above. As you may have guessed the world Above is ours.
And it is also about Emmy, a young girl whose father Deacon was once a psychic for the police[1] and her discovery of this world below.
But enough of that, on to the review. I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well written, believable and most definitely not all good guys. I like me a bit of confusion.
And the world Kiernan creates is great. Plenty of darkness and mystery, but always grounded in some sort of believable nature. Gothic horror meets urban fantasy is probably an accurate description.
All in all I really enjoyed this novel, enough that I’ll be looking for more by Kiernan, although not enough that I’d rush out and buy everything she has written. Her characters, while well-written and interesting don’t make me want to learn everything about them. The mood and atmosphere of the book is really where this book excels.
- and the main protagonist of earlier books I gather ↩
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