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Season 2 episode 03 (Kindred)
Dir: Paul Edwards Writ: J.J. Philbin
Yes, I know, when recapping I really should start at the beginning, but I really couldn’t be arsedPlayers have different views for the
party poker bonus. rewatching episodes 1 & 2 so you’ll just have to deal. And there will be spoilers under the cut.
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Previously blah blah, voice-over and catch-up. And watching Claire cut off her own toe for the second time makes me cringe just as much as it did the first time. Eeewwww. But so too do those Oirish accents. *fx: a melodramatic shudder*
Anyways, Peter is busy trying to “get his life back” and shure won’t he be getting it once he does a job for the bhoys[1] But his mind-reading abilities get him into trouble as one of the lads thinks about nicking the cash. [2] We also get a look at their “family tattoo crest” what fun.
Meanwhile in Mexico Maya and her brother are still running for the US. For some reason Maya is totally worn out whereas Alejandro seems okay. So he decides to rob a car for her, right under the nose of a cop. These two sure are bright aren’t they? Al gets caught and tells Maya to run for it. Where exactly she can go if she kills people at random when he isn’t around I’m not quite sure. But then again her power hasn’t really been explained yet. So whatever.
In Las Vegas we meet up with Niki and Micah for the first time this season. They’re thinking of leaving Las Vegas, but Micah doesn’t want to break up the family. Niki says it is time to say goodbye and Micah runs to a gravestone. Awww, DL died.
New scene, but no subtitle to tell us where we are? Hmmm, could that be because this is illusion girl and she isn’t where she is pretending to be. And omg! look, its Sylar. He’s alive! How surprising. Illusion girl, Michelle as she is calling herself now, tells Sylar what’s going on, and mentions that he had 8 surgeries and he really shouldn’t try to move cause of the stitches. Of course he wants to see what is really going on. Insists and so she shows him, and boy is it ever a crappy looking joint, and doesn’t Sylar look in pain. Jolly Good.
Credits role.
Claire and her daddy[3] have a chat. He apologises for losing his temper. She apologises for asking all those questions. Friends again. Aww. But then she asks about what’d happen if someone else found out about what she was. HRG tells her that that would result in deep deep deep undercoverness:(Yes, even deeper than Eddie Murphy)”:. Cut to school and Claire confronts flying boy[4] trying to persuade him that she didn’t really cut off her toe. He doesn’t believe her, duh, and she storms off. Do we think that he likes her at all?!
In Brooklyn Matt[5] wakes up, suddenly. Gets his gun, but luckily the intruder turns out to be Mohinder. Mohinder says he’ll be spying in the city, Matt isn’t impressed. He tells Mohinder that he is in out of his depth. Before they can get into an argument Molly wakes up and Mohinder promises that he’ll never leave her again. Hmm.
In Japan Ando is busy playing computer games. His boss is not impressed and lets him know about it. Poor Ando. I think he may be my fav character. He takes out his sword and thinks of Hiro, and just then notices a message on the sword’s hilt/pommel that reads “Ando open”. He does so and finds a message from Hiro in the past. Hiro fills Ando in on the fact that he has arrived in 1671. And that Kensei;”(Is it just me who finds him annoying in a totally pointless way)”: has “powers” too. Course he also has a bad English accent. It really must be some sort of trick, how the makers of Heroes managed to find so many actors who really can’t do accents. Kenzei thinks that Hiro is responsible for his Lazurus powers, that he has been cursed. He is not impressed and rides off in fear or anger or something, I can’t tell, that accent is far too distracting.
Back in Cork (Pshaw) Peter is trying to figure out his powers work. Tra-la-la-girl[6] chats him up. Possibly wondering if Peter needs to wander around with his shirt off all the time. Personally I really don’t need it. Peter is so not my cup of tea. Older brother Nathan perhaps, but that probably has more to do with his quasi-ebilness …
Cut to Mexico and Alejandro is being processed at the local prison. And then back to Claire at school. And West sits next to her and brings up the issue of a Lizard-girl and Claire, unimpressed, leaves the class. Back to Ando reading Hiro’s story. Aw look, Hiro has fallen in love with the “greatest love of Kensei”.
Damn there are a lot of different scenes in this episode.
Meanwhile Kensei is busy cutting himself open and watching himself heal. How T2-esque[7] Hiro shows him what he can do. And explains evolution, well, not quite. Kensei seems to have gotten over his whole “omg I’m cursed” mood and begins to see the possible monetary gain. But Hiro decided to force Kensei into becoming a hero and takes him to fight the 90 angry Ronin sworn to protect the Fire scroll. As legend tells he did.
West comes looking for Claire, and finds her crying, and angry.
He wants her to admit she is different, and she tells him that she knows she is a freak, but that is tired of pretending. He tells her to shut-up and does a superman, by which of course I mean that he dlies off carrying her just like Superman and Lois. Whatever.
Back in Cork again, oh the horrors of those accents, and Peter is about to help with the robbing of the bookies. Although why he asks for dollars is beyond me?One of the security guards sets off the alarm and the thieves scarper. And you know whats really weird, those guards have guns. wtf!
Peter and his “pals” escape, but he has revealed some of his powers.
Mohinder meets up with his “handler” in Isaac’s old apartment. And gets told that he will be supervised. how surprising! Honestly, did he not see this coming?
In Japan love-interest-girl is wondering about Kensei. Hiro reassures her, but she isn’t all that persuaded and talks of there being two different Kensei. But before Hiro can decide what to say Kensei returns with the scroll.
Niki and Micah are New Orleans, and N warns Micah not to use his powers, so he will be safe, but she isn’t staying with him. She “has to do something” But he shouldn’t worry, she is leaving him with family. I’m guessing that auld wan is some relation of DLs. And I’m guessing that she may be slightly more than just an old woman.
In Mexico Maya is trying to get her brother out of prison, but things don’t go her way, and then she sees the wanted photo of her and her brother. She points this out to the police, and promptly gets arrested, I’m guessing so she can do whatever it is she does to kill people. The prisoner next to Alejandro falls over and he realises she is out there. Then they do whatever it is that undoes whatever it is that she has done and what do you know they’re alive again. Prisoner dude, an American how handy, has a car so they agree to take him.
Back to Ireland and the gorgeous cash. And they can’t even pronounce Slainte. Jaysis. God it gets even worse.
Will, the dude whos emind Peter read earlier turns on Ricky and his tra-la-la sister and tries to nick the cash. He also shoots Peter, but of course Peter is still alive and uses his magical leprechaun powers;”(am I going too far?)”: to disarm and almost kill Will. He even seems to be enjoying it a little. But tra-la-la girl tra-la-las at him and he lets Will scarper.
In ancient Japan Hiro is thinking about leaving, Kensei is doing well, so he thinks. K isn’t so sure, he thinks that Hiro should stay, he is K.’s conscience. but Hiro insists, he must return to his own life. But then he decides he can’t not quite yet. He loves Kensei’s love interest you see. Awww, poor Hiro.
Sylar meanwhile is trying to make a cup move. With his mind. But he has no powers at all. He doesn’t seem all that grateful to Michelle, but she assures him that he will, in time, reaquire all his powers, with her help. And so she shows off just what she can do, which of course gets Sylar’ss attention and he kills her and steals her power. Or has he? He can’t seem to make it work. He doesn’t have her power.
Peter has earned himself a tattoo. And a telling off for being such a baybay, which I’m guessing is a baby. He is one of the family now:”(puke. Sides dont they now that in Ireland if your family hasnt lived 15 generations in the same place then you are just a blow-in? No way he is family after such a short space of time”): and so gets his box back. What can possibly be in it… He tells tra-la-la girl that maybe he doesn’t want to know about his past life, maybe he wasn’t a good soul. She tells him to get over himself and move the story on. Nope, sorry, that is just in my version. In the actual programme she tells him to leave it be and gives him a big kiss. Meh
Off on some beach somewhere West and Claire are playing “who’s power is best”, or flirting, as it could also be called. They kiss and she spots one of those little marks on his neck. And yes, it was the Company and yes it was Claire’s Dad. Predictable or wha?
Niki has gone to the Company, she wants to be cured… and meanwhile Moh is rooting through Isaacs paintings. He sends a camera pic to HRG, omg it is him dead, and in the background Claire kissing some dude. Ooooohhhhhh.
My Thoughts
I think I’m over the whole “isn’t Heroes great”. It isn’t. It thinks it is all new and shiny and great, but come on, we’ve seen most of this sort of stuff before. Geek chic I’ve heard it called somewhere, but you can’t chic up the geek and keep the geek, if you know what I mean? Anyways, this ep is grand and all, even if I am totally bored with Maya and Alejandro, and caught between laughing at, or grimacing at the supposed Cork accents. And Mohinder is annoying. I could do with Hiro getting back to the present day as well. The past is all when and good but I’m over that already. Luckily I still adore Claire and her family relationships. Not too impressed with West though.
JC’s weblog ;
The Two Cents
- and that is a far more accurate accent than the one used in the show ↩
- Is that Enterprise dude with a terrible NI accent, hey, it is Reed ↩
- HRG ↩
- West ↩
- Im so very very bored of Matt ↩
- Caitlin is supposed to be the character’s name, but I prefer my version ↩
- yes, I know that the Terminator didn’t heal up like that, but that is what it reminds me of ↩
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